Adjust Price in Dual Pricing

Before this update, merchants who made transactions on CloudPOS with Dual Pricing could not remove the fee from a transaction. With this new update, ISOs will now have the option to enable Adjust Price for their merchants, enabling them to remove the fee from a Dual Pricing transaction on CloudPOS.

Where to Enable: From the ISO login, go to S.T.E.A.M, then edit parameters -> Search and select the TPN -> Edit Parameter -> Fee -> Dual Pricing -> Enable “Adjust Price”. -> (Image 1.0)


Image 1.0

How to Use:

  • Enter the amount.

  • Click on the Plus (+) icon. (Image 1.1)

  • Click on this (✕) icon next to Sale to remove the fee. (Image 1.2)


Image 1.1


**Image 1.2
