Fiserv Omaha for Tap to Pay on iPhone with iPOSgo! (Apple Pay for iPhone)

Required iOS Version: 1.0.36

ISOs can now board merchants processing on the Fiserv Omaha platform with our iPOSgo! Tap to Pay solution on iPhone.

How to Enable:

For new merchants

  1. Login to the iPOSpays portal using an ISO account.

  2. Click on the “Merchants” module.

  3. Click on the Action box and select “Add Merchant.”

  4. Complete “Merchant Info” and “Store Info”, and you’ll land in the device section.

  5. Select the corresponding Manufacturer, Application, and Processor.

  6. Complete the Processor Info, and click “Save.”

For existing merchants

  1. Login to the iPOSpays portal using an ISO account.

  2. Click on the “Merchants” module.

  3. Find the desired Merchant and Store.

  4. Click “Add Device.”

  5. Select the corresponding Manufacturer, Application, and Processor.

  6. Complete the Processor Info, and click “Save.”