Introducing Paya ACH

Paya ACH is the cash equivalent for customer-not-present transactions. By using Paya ACH, ISOs can provide compliant payment solutions for situations where the customer isn’t present, like MOTO and website payments. When cash isn’t an option for these scenarios, Paya ACH allows ISOs to offer compliant cash discount programs to merchants and their customers.

Please note that the merchant must be enrolled with Paya and the ISO must “Enable ACH Transactions” at the store and TPN level from the Edit Parameters section under Card Type.

How to Enable:

  • From the ISO login, go to the Merchants tab

  • Search and select the merchant DBA from the search box at the top

  • Click on Edit Store

  • Click on Enable ACH Transactions

  • Next, go S.T.E.A.M, then Edit Parameters

  • Search and select the TPN from the search box at the top

  • Click on Edit Parameter

  • Navigate to the Transaction tab

  • Under Card Type, enable ACH
