Multi-Factor Authentication

To enhance security, the iPOSpays portal now uses multi-factor authentication. When logging in, users will receive a one-time code via their registered email address and/or registered phone number as SMS that they will need to enter for verification. This feature is enabled by default for ISOs.

Users who can enable this feature for other users:

  • ISOs can enable this feature for their non-default user, Agent Office, and Merchant Admin.
  • A non-default ISO can enable this feature for Agent Office, and Merchant Admin.
  • An Agent Office can enable this feature for their non-default user, and Merchant Admin.
  • A default Merchant Admin can enable this feature for their non-default user, Merchant Operator, Multi Store Manager, and Store Manager.
  • A non-default Merchant Admin can enable this feature for Merchant Operator, Multi Store Manager, and Store Manager.


Security code is sent to the registered user


Enter the security code that was sent to the registered email address

Although it is strongly recommended that this feature is not disabled, in the event it is required, the feature can be disabled.

How to Disable: Login to the iPOSpays portal using an ISO/Agent/Merchant Admin login. To disable this feature for existing users, go to User Management -> Search and select the user -> Toggle off MFA.


For new users, click on the action box -> Add User -> Toggle off MFA.
