ISOs Can Onboard Merchants in Puerto Rico Using TSYS and FISERV Processors

With this update, iPOSpays has completed the fiscal implementation required to onboard Puerto Rico merchants. ISOs/Agents can now easily onboard Puerto Rico merchants using TSYS and Fiserv processors through a dedicated field in the iPOSpays portal. This field incorporates the Hacienda Merchant Identification (MID), which is crucial for Puerto Rico’s tax compliance.

Integrating the Hacienda MID ensures that every transaction by a Puerto Rico merchant includes this identifier, simplifying tax adherence, improving accuracy in records, and reducing errors. As Puerto Rico’s state tax varies for prepared foods, we have introduced a new ‘Reduced Tax’ parameter to support this. We also added support for Puerto Rico local card schemes, so merchants can accept all private label cards.

How to Add Hacienda MID: S.T.E.A.M. -> Edit Parameters -> Enter the TPN -> Edit Processor Info -> You’ll see Hacienda Status and MID -> Enter the Hacienda MID and click Save
