Register Lite

Required Build: 10107

Introducing Register Lite – a simplified cash register experience that is integrated into all of our Gateway-powered payment terminals. This feature enables merchants to effortlessly manage their inventory by adding items manually or scanning product codes with the built-in scanner. They can easily include or exclude items from the cart, generate detailed itemized lists displaying both cash and card prices, provide discounts on products, and enjoy additional functionalities. Register Lite also fully supports all fee types.

Designed with simplicity in mind, Register Lite ensures that transactions are swift and seamless, making even large transactions a breeze to handle.


Where to Enable: Login to the iPOSpays portal using an ISO account. Then, go to S.T.E.A.M -> Edit Parameters -> Search and select the TPN from the search box -> Edit Parameter -> Value Add -> Enable Register Lite.


Note: It’s important to note that the fee percentage and tax set in the ISO account of the iPOSpays portal don’t apply to Register Lite. This percentage is specifically for standalone payment terminal transactions.

**How to Setup: **

  • Login to the iPOSpays portal using a merchant account.
  • Click on Inventory
  • Select the action button and select Settings
  • From the Inventory Settings, under Pricing, the Default Price Entry Mode will change depending on the Fee Type you are using: a. For Custom Fee, Surcharge, Tender Based Pricing(TBP), & Dual Pricing -> select Cash b. True Cash Discount -> select Card


  • Select Taxes in order to configure the Tax options. Enter a custom name for the tax, enter the tax percentage, and specify whether it’s a state or local tax. You can add another tax by clicking on the plus icon. For instance, designate one as the state tax and the other as the local tax. Click Save for the changes to take effect.


  • Next, you need to add items to the inventory. To do this, click on the action box again. Then click on Add Item.

  • Enter the product name and product code. When you enter the cash price of the product, the system will automatically calculate the card price. Then, choose the tax, add a description of the product, choose a suitable unit of measure from the drop-down menu, and finally, choose a commodity code from the drop-down menu.


How to Add Items Using Register Lite on a Payment Terminal:

  • From the payment screen, click on the cart icon to access Register Lite
  • Any item that was added to the inventory from the merchant account of the iPOSpays portal will be displayed here. If you have added more items from the portal, click on refresh, and the inventory will also be automatically updated here.
  • To add items, click on the action box. and choose Add item.
  • Enter the product name. If you wish, you can scan the bar code from the product to get the product code. Or you can just enter them manually. You can even customize the product description. Based on the entered card price the system will calculate the discounted cash price.
  • Next, choose a suitable unit of measure from the drop-down menu. Choose a commodity code from the drop-down menu.
  • Finally, select the tax amount to be added to the item. Once you’re done, click on the ✅icon to add the item to the inventory.

How to Make a Transaction Using Register Lite on a Payment Terminal:

  • From the Register screen, click on “Add” to add the items to the cart.
  • You can add as many items as you want. If you wish, you can provide a discount using the “Discount” button. You can provide the discount either as a percentage or a fixed amount.
  • Click on “>” to proceed.
  • The card price and cash price will be displayed on the breakup screen. Click on “CHECK OUT” to proceed with the transaction.
  • If tip is enabled for the TPN, then the tip screen will appear. The customer can then provide a tip of their choice.
  • Both the card price and the discounted price will be displayed in the Sale section. The true cash discount program will provide a discount for cash payments. The customer can then choose their preferred mode of payment. Once they select the payment mode, complete the transaction as you normally would.