Surcharge Limit

Required Build: 10107

Previously, when configuring the fee percentage for Surcharge, the system automatically rounded off decimal digits. For instance, if you had input the fee percentage as 2.56%, the system would round it to 2.6%. This update alters this setting to maintain the percentage without rounding (Image 1.1). Moreover, ISOs will now only be able to set the Surcharge fee to a maximum of 3%, which cannot be exceeded (Image 1.2). This policy applies to all of our payment terminals and CloudPOS transactions.

Where to Enable: Login to the iPOSpays portal using an ISO account. Then, go to S.T.E.A.M -> Edit Parameters -> Search and select the TPN from the search box -> Edit Parameter -> Fee -> Surcharge -> Set the fee percentage and click Save for the changes to take effect.


Image (1.1)


Image (1.2)