Tax Removal on CloudPOS

Previously, only merchants using Gateway-powered payment terminals and CloudPOS merchants using True Cash Discount could remove the tax from a transaction. With this update, ISOs will now have the ability to enable their CloudPOS merchants to remove the tax from a transaction if they wish regardless of the fee type they use. (Image 1.0)

Where to Enable: From the ISO login, go to S.T.E.A.M -> Edit Parameters -> Search and select the TPN from the search box at the top -> Edit Parameter -> Tip & Taxes -> Click “Yes” from Merchant Can Remove Tax. Click Save for the changes to take effect.


(Image 1.0)

How to Use:

  • First, enter the amount in the designated field
  • Click on the amount within the Cards icon


  • Click on the (X) icon and click on the trash icon to remove the tax from the transaction
