Swipe Reader SDK

Swipe Reader SDK


The SwipeReaderSDK is a library designed to simplify the integration of swipe card reading functionality into Android applications. This SDK is for reading magnetic stripe card data.

Integrating the SwipeReaderSDK

This guide details the steps to integrate the SwipeReaderSDK into your Android project.


  • Your Android project
  • SwipeReader kit

The swipe_reader.aar file is provided with the kit. Download from here

Downloading the SwipeReaderSDK

  1. Locate the swipe_reader.aar file provided with your SwipeReader kit.
  2. Copy the swipe_reader.aar file to your project directory.

Configuring Gradle Dependencies

  1. Open your project's build.gradle file (located at the module level).
  2. Add the following dependencies within the dependencies block:
implementation files("../libs/swipe_reader.aar")
implementation "com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.9"

The second line (optional) includes the Gson library (version 2.8.9) as an example dependency. You may need to adjust this based on your project's requirements.

Synchronizing Gradle

Click Sync Project with Gradle Files in Android Studio. This process updates your project with the SwipeReaderSDK and any additional dependencies you've included.

Get Card Details

To start reading swipe cards, call the read() method on the MsrReader instance.

MsrReader msrReader = new MsrReader(context, timeoutInSeconds);
msrReader.read(new SwipeResult() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {
        // Handle successful swipe
    public void onFailure(String error) {
        // Handle swipe failure
    public void onTimeOut(String message) {
        // Handle swipe timeout

Card reading by SDK

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
      // Initialize card reader 
      MsrReader msrReader = new MsrReader(this, 60);
      // Read swipe card
      msrReader.read(new SwipeResult() {
          public void onSuccess(String s) {
              Log.d("onSuccess", s);
          public void onFailure(String s) {
              Log.d("onFailure", s);
          public void onTimeOut(String s) {
              Log.d("onTimeOut", s);

Response Fields

Output tagTypeFormat
responseCode * String


responseData * JSON


track1 – Provides data from track1 of card if available

track2 – Provides data from track2 of card if available

track3 – Provides data from track3 of card if available

responseMessage * String

SUCCESS – if data is available

FAILURE – If any error while reading the card

Here the responseData is a JSON String

The response will indicate success or failure. Here's what some of the outcome looks like:

Success Response

  "responseCode": "00",
  "responseData": "{\"track1\":\"527912186188049\",\"track2\":\"527912186188049\"}",
  "responseMessage": "SUCCESS"

Failure Response

  "responseCode": "06", 
  "responseData": "Failed to read card data",
  "responseMessage": "FAILURE"

Timeout Response

  "responseCode": "07",
  "responseData": "Card detection timeout",
  "responseMessage": "FAILURE"
00 Success

The swipe card operation was successful.

01 Failure

Please update the timeout to be in the range of 10 to 90 seconds.

02 Failure

Unable to support this device model.

03 Failure

Unable to initialize card reader.

04 Failure

Unable to initialize card reader. Context is null.

05 Failure

Unable to support this device model.

06 Failure

Failed to open card reader

07 Failure

Failed to read card data.

08 Timeout

Card detection timeout.

09 Failure

Exception in card detection.

10 Failure

All track data null.

11 Failure

Card detection timeout.

12 Failure

We don’t support this device.

13 Failure

Swipe reader failed.

14 Failure

Device exception.