iPOS Transact API

For Void and Refund Payment transactions:

  1. TPN Number

  2. RRN Number (Retrieval reference number): Available on the receipt of the sale.

  3. Amount: Required for partial refunds.

For sale transactions using card token:

  1. TPN Number
  2. Card token
  3. Amount

IPOS Transact API Reference Guide:

All our requests & response are in JSON format. The production URL is different, kindly write to sales@dejavoosystems.com after your integration is completed.

Transaction Type: Void | Refund | Ticket and TipAdjust

ipos-transact API request contains 3 primary objects

Token * Required, AuthToken information to be sent in the header of the request
merchantAuthentication * Required, contains information about the merchant authentication details like TPN number, unique transaction reference id
transactRequest * Required, contains information like Transaction type, RRN, Amount to process payment void / refund

Request Method

HTTPS Request MethodPOST

iposTransact API Endpoint

Sandbox URLhttps://payment.ipospays.tech/api/v1/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)
Production URLhttps://payment.ipospays.com/api/v1/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)

Request Parameters

Request Parameters (Header)

token * AuthToken (can get from portal settings)
JSON Content-Type * application/json

Request Parameters (Body)

merchantAuthentication ( Obj )
merchantId * Number

TPN Number registered in iPOS.

Example Value: 139322815010

Length: 12 digits

transactionReferenceId * string

Merchant unique transaction reference id

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: <=20 chars required

transactRequest ( Obj )
amount * String

(USD) Amount to be voided/refunded. This amount may be equal to or less than the settled amount.

USD amount to be multiplied by 100

Length: 8 characters

Format: 12525 (125.25 $ X 100)

RRN * Number

Unique retrieval reference number

Length: 12 characters

transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Default: 3

Values: 1 – Sale, 2 – Void, 3 – Refund, 6- Ticket, 7-TipAdjust

Response Parameters

iPOS-TransactResponse ( Obj )
responseCode * Number

iPOS-Transact response code

Values: 200 – Successful

400 – Declined

responseMessage * string

iPOS-Transact response message

Values: Successful, Declined

errResponseCode * Alphanumeric

PG error response code

Values: PG error response code / payment processor error response code

Length: up-to 2 charactersProcessor Response code (2 characters)

Example: 00, 05, …

# Error code & message details shared in below doc

errResponseMessage * string

PG error response message

Values: PG error response message / Payment processor error response message

transactionReferenceId * string

Merchant unique transaction reference id

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: <=20 chars required

transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Note: 1 – sale, 2 – void, 3 – refund

amount * Float

Amount voided/refunded

Format: xxxxxx.xx

responseApprovalCode * string

Response Approval Code

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: 6 chars

RRN * Number

Unique retrieval reference number

Length: 12 characters

transactionId * Number

PG response unique transaction id

Length: 32 characters

transactionNumber * Number

Invoice of Transaction number

Length: 4 digits

batchNumber * Number

Batch Number

Length: 3 digits

  • Mandatory

** upon only on specific conditions

† Optional

iposTransact API – JSON Request Sample

Post head request (header auth-token request)
    "token": ""
Post body request
    	"merchantAuthentication": {
                          	"merchantId": "",
                          	"transactionReferenceId": "" 
    	"transactionRequest": {
                          	"transactionType": <2-void / 3-refund / 6- ticket, 7- tipadjust>, 
                          	"rrn": "< rrn Number>",  // RRN number received for original Transaction
                          	"amount": "", // Amount to be refunded|TipAdjust|ticket, example 1000 for 10$ i.e. 10x100		

iposTransact API – JSON Response Sample

iposTransact API request validation response
    "errors": [
            "field": "merchantAuthentication.merchantId",
            "message": "Invalid Merchant Id"
            "field": "transactionRequest.RRN",
            "message": "Invalid RRN number"
        }, ...
Payment Processor Response - Upon transaction success or decline
        "iposTransactResponse": {
              	      "responseCode": "iPOS-HP response code like 200, 400",
                     "responseMessage": "Successful/Declined",
	      "errResponseCode": "Error response code from PG", 
	      "errResponseMessage": "Error response message from PG",
	      "transactionReferenceId": "merchant unique transaction reference id sent on request",	     
	      "transactionType": "2 - void, 3 - refund , 6- ticket, 7- tipadjust",
	      "transactionId": "Unique transaction Id of PG",	     
	      "amount": "amount or total amount refunded",	      
	      "responseApprovalCode": "response approval code from processor ex: TAS164",
	      "rrn": "retrieval reference number from processor #219313501821",
	      "transactionNumber": "4 digits of transaction invoice number from processor",
	      "batchNumber": "3 digits of batch number from processor"      

iposTransact API – (Postman) Simulator Url

Url:- https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/21863361/2s83tCKYRA (opens in a new tab)

Error Response Code & Messages

HTTP Response CodeResponse Message
200 * Success
400 * Declined
iPOS-Transact Error FieldiPOS-Transact Error Response Message
merchantAuthentication (object) * Merchant authentication cannot be null
transactionRequest (object) * Transaction request cannot be null
merchantId * Merchant id cannot be null
merchantId * Invalid merchant id
transactionReferenceId * Transaction reference id cannot be null
transactionReferenceId * Invalid transaction reference id
amount * Invalid amount
rrn * RRN cannot be nul
token * Invalid token
Failed * Device does not exist
Failed * TPN status is suspended
Failed * TPN status is not active
amount * High amount value
Failed * This transaction is already voided
Failed * This transaction is already refunded
Failed * This transaction cannot be voided/refunded
Failed * Refund option is disabled for this TPN
transactionRequest (object) * Invalid transaction request
Failed * Void option is disabled for this TPN
RRN * No transaction for this RRN
Failed * This transaction is already voided/refunded

Transaction Type: Sale/PreAuth (Using Card Token/Payment Token)

ipos-transact API request contains 3 primary objects

Token * Required, AuthToken information to be sent in the header of the request
merchantAuthentication * Required, contains information about the merchant authentication details like TPN number, unique transaction reference id
transactRequest * Required, contains information like Transaction type, Card Token, Amount, Calculate Fee, etc…
preferences * Required, contains information like AVS verification require or not, e-receipt to end-user by sms/mail require or not
AVS * Required Information of AVS of StreetNo and ZipCode

Request Method

HTTPS Request MethodPOST

iposTransact API Endpoint

Sandbox URL: * https://payment.ipospays.tech/api/v1/iposTransact
Production URL * https://payment.ipospays.com/api/v1/iposTransact

https://payment.ipospays.tech/api/v2/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)

Note: New Enhancements with AVS Verification with above URL

Request Parameters

Request Parameters (Header)

token * AuthToken (can get from portal settings)
JSON Content-Type * application/json

Request Parameters (Body)

merchantAuthentication ( Obj )
merchantId * Number

TPN Number registered in iPOS.

Example Value: 139322815010

Length: 12 digits

transactionReferenceId * string

Merchant unique transaction reference id

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: <=20 chars required

transactRequest ( Obj )
amount * String

(USD) Amount to be voided/refunded. This amount may be equal to or less than the settled amount.

USD amount to be multiplied by 100

Length: 8 characters

Format: 12525 (125.25 $ X 100)

transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Default: 1

Values: 1 – Sale (using card token), 5- PreAuth(using card token)

cardToken * String

Card tokenization value/string to capture the said amount to the given tokenized card

Format: Encrypted token string

paymentTokenId * String

Payment token value/string to capture the said amount to the given tokenized card (Only used for Sale Transaction)

Format: Encrypted token string

applySteamSettingTipFeeTax * String

Tips, Fees & Tax will be calculated based on steam settings and added with the given base amount to charge from the customer.

Values: true or false

Default: false


If set to true -> iPOS-Transact access Tips, Fees & Taxes details based on STEAM parameters and add it with a given base amount.

If set to false -> iPOS-Transact, will consider the amount in request payload as total amount.

preferences ( Obj )
eReceipt * Boolean

To send payment status notification to customers by Mobile SMS and/or E-Mail.

Values: ‘true’ or ‘false’

customerName * String

Customer full-name, will be used as salutation while notifying the payment status to the customer upon request by the merchant.

Format: Alphabets

spaceLength: 25 characters

Note: This input field is required, if eReceipt set to ‘true’

customerEmail * String

Customer e-mail id to which payment status will be notified if requested

Format: E-mail id

Note: This input field is required, if eReceipt set to ‘true’

customerMobile * String

Customer mobile number to which payment status will be notified if requested.

Format: +xxxxxxxxxxxx

Example: +18989898989

Length: 13

Note: This input field is required, If eReceipt set to ‘true’

requestCardToken * Boolean

This Field is defined to send the Tokenized Card Details for Integrator for requested customers.

Values : ‘true’ or ‘false’

AVS ( Obj - Use v2 version for this future )
StreetNo * String

StreetNo of the Customer Address

Zip * String

ZipCode of the Customer Address

Response Parameters

iPOS-TransactResponse ( Obj )
responseCode * Number

iPOS-Transact response code

Values: 200 – Successful

400 – Declined

responseMessage * string

iPOS-Transact response message

Values: Successful, Declined

errResponseCode * Alphanumeric

PG error response code

Values: PG error response code / payment processor error response code

Length: up-to 2 charactersProcessor Response code (2 characters)

Example: 00, 05, …

errResponseMessage * string

PG error response message

Values: PG error response message / Payment processor error response message

transactionReferenceId * string

Merchant unique transaction reference id

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: <=20 chars required

transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Note: 1 – sale, 2 – void, 3 – refund

amount * Float

Amount voided/refunded

Format: xxxxxx.xx

responseApprovalCode * string

Response Approval Code

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: 6 chars

RRN * Number

Unique retrieval reference number

Length: 12 characters

transactionId * Number

PG response unique transaction id

Length: 32 characters

transactionNumber * Number

Invoice of Transaction number

Length: 4 digits

batchNumber * Number

Batch Number

Length: 3 digits

totalAmount * Float

Total Amount charged from customer

Format: xxxxxx.xx

Length: 8

customFee * Float

Custom Fee charged from customer

Format: xxxxxx.xx

chdToken * String

Tokenized Card Data will sent in response based on the flag provided in request of field requestCardToken as true

Format: Alphanumeric

  • Mandatory

** upon only on specific conditions

† Optional

iposTransact API – Sale using Token – JSON Request Sample

Post head request (header auth-token request)
    "token": ""
Post body request
    	"merchantAuthentication": {
                          	"merchantId": "",
                          	"transactionReferenceId": "" 
    	"transactionRequest": {
                          	"transactionType": 1, // Sale (using token)                           	
                          	"amount": "", // Amount to be refunded, example 1000 for 10$ i.e. 10x100	
		"cardToken":““," “paymentTokenId”: ",
"applySteamSettingTipFeeTax": true/false	
 	"preferences": {									   
		"eReceipt": true/false,	
		"customerName": "Customer_Name",					   
		"customerEmail": "Customer_Email",					   
		"customerMobile": "Customer_mobile_number_with_ISD_code",
     "Avs" : {
		"StreetNo" : "23453",
          "Zip" : "12344"

iposTransact API – Sale using Token – JSON Response Sample

iposTransact API request validation response
    "errors": [
            "field": "merchantAuthentication.merchantId",
            "message": "Invalid Merchant Id"
            "field": "transactionRequest.RRN",
            "message": "Invalid RRN number"
        }, ...
Payment Processor Response - Upon sale transaction success or decline
        "iposTransactResponse": {
              	      "responseCode": "iPOS-HP response code like 200, 400,...",
                     "responseMessage": "Successful/Declined",
	      "errResponseCode": "Error response code", 
	      "errResponseMessage": "Error response message",
	      "transactionReferenceId": "merchant unique transaction reference id sent on request",		
	      "transactionType": 1, // Sale
	      "transactionId": "Unique transaction Id of payment processor"
	      "transactionNumber": "4 digits of transaction number from payment processor",
	      "batchNumber": "3 digits of batch number from payment processor",
	      "amount": "base amount or total amount charged",
	      "customFee": "custom fee",
	      "totalAmount": "total amount charged",
	      "responseApprovalCode": "response approval code from processor ex: TAS164",
	      "RRN": "retrieval reference number from processor #219313501821",

iposTransact API – Sale transaction using Token (Postman Simulator Url)

Url: yet to share sandbox postman url

Error Response Code & Messages

HTTP Response CodeResponse Message
200 * Success
400 * Declined

applySteamSettingTipFeeTaxSteam setting for tip, fee & tax are not found

iPOS-Transact Error FieldiPOS-Transact Error Response Message
merchantAuthentication (object) * Merchant authentication cannot be null
transactionRequest (object) * Transaction request cannot be null
merchantId * Merchant id cannot be null
merchantId * Invalid merchant id
transactionReferenceId * Transaction reference id cannot be null
transactionReferenceId * Invalid transaction reference id
amount * Invalid amount
token * Invalid token
Failed * Device does not exist
Failed * TPN status is suspended
Failed * TPN status is not active
transactionRequest (object) * Invalid transaction request

Transaction Type: Batch Settlement

ipos-transact API request contains 3 primary objects

Token * Required, AuthToken information to be sent in the header of the request
merchantAuthentication * Required, contains information about the merchant authentication details like TPN number, unique transaction reference id
transactRequest * Required, contains information like Transaction type

Request Method

HTTPS Request MethodPOST

iposTransact API Endpoint

Sandbox URLhttps://payment.ipospays.tech/api/v1/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)
Production URLhttps://payment.ipospays.com/api/v1/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)

Request Parameters

Request Parameters (Header)

token * AuthToken (can get from portal settings)
JSON Content-Type * application/json

Request Parameters (Body)

merchantAuthentication ( Obj )
merchantId * Number

TPN Number registered in iPOS.

Example Value: 139322815010

Length: 12 digits

transactionReferenceId * string

Merchant unique transaction reference id

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: <=20 chars required

transactRequest ( Obj )
transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Default: 4

Values: 4 – Batch Settlement

Response Parameters

iPOS-TransactResponse ( Obj )
responseCode * Number

iPOS-Transact response code

Values: 200 – Successful

400 – Declined

responseMessage * string

iPOS-Transact response message

Values: Successful, Declined

errResponseCode * Alphanumeric

PG error response code

Values: PG error response code / payment processor error response code

Length: up-to 2 charactersProcessor Response code (2 characters)

Example: 00, 05, …

# Error code & message details shared in below doc

errResponseMessage * string

PG error response message

Values: PG error response message / Payment processor error response message

transactionReferenceId * string

Merchant unique transaction reference id

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: <=20 chars required

transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Note: 1 – sale, 2 – void, 3 – refund

amount * Float

Amount voided/refunded

Format: xxxxxx.xx

responseApprovalCode * string

Response Approval Code

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: 6 chars

RRN * Number

Unique retrieval reference number

Length: 12 characters

transactionId * Number

PG response unique transaction id

Length: 32 characters

transactionNumber * Number

Invoice of Transaction number

Length: 4 digits

batchNumber * Number

Batch Number

Length: 3 digits

  • Mandatory

** upon only on specific conditions

iposTransact API – Batch Settlement – JSON Request Sample

Post head request (header auth-token request)
    "token": ""
Post body request
    	"merchantAuthentication": {
                          	"merchantId": "",
                          	"transactionReferenceId": "" 
    	"transactionRequest": {
                          	"transactionType": 4  // Batch settlement            	

iposTransact API – Batch Settlement – JSON Response Sample

iposTransact API request validation response
    "errors": [
            "field": "merchantAuthentication.merchantId",
            "message": "Invalid Merchant Id"
            "field": "transactionRequest.transactionType",
            "message": "Invalid Transaction Type"
        }, ...
Payment Processor Response - Upon batch settlement transaction success or decline response
        "iposTransactResponse": {
              	      "responseCode": "iPOS-HP response code like 200, 400,...",
                     "responseMessage": "Successful/Declined",
	      "errResponseCode": "Error response code", 
	      "errResponseMessage": "Error response message",
	      "transactionReferenceId": "merchant unique transaction reference id sent on request",		
	      "transactionType": 4,  // batch settlement
	      "transactionId": "Unique transaction Id of payment processor"
	      "transactionNumber": "4 digits of transaction number from payment processor",
	      "batchNumber": "3 digits of batch number from payment processor",
	      "amount": "base amount or total amount charged",
	      "responseApprovalCode": "response approval code from processor ex: TAS164",
	      "RRN": "retrieval reference number from processor #219313501821",

iposTransact API – Batch Settlement Transaction (Postman Url)

Url: yet to share sandbox postman url

Transaction Type: Incremental Auth :

Token * Required, AuthToken information to be sent in the header of the request
merchantAuthentication * Required, contains information about the merchant authentication details like TPN number, unique transaction reference id
transactRequest * Required, contains information like Transaction type

Request Method

HTTPS Request MethodPOST

iposTransact API Endpoint

Sandbox URLhttps://payment.ipospays.tech/api/v1/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)
Production URLhttps://payment.ipospays.com/api/v1/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)

Request Parameters

Request Parameters (Header)

token * AuthToken (can get from portal settings)
JSON Content-Type * application/json

Request Parameters (Body)

merchantAuthentication ( Obj )
merchantId * Number

TPN Number registered in iPOS.

Example Value: 139322815010

Length: 12 digits

transactRequest ( Obj )
amount * Number

Requesting Amount for Incremental Auth

RRN * Number

Original PreAuth RRN Number

transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Default: 8

Values: 8 – Incremental Auth

preferences ( Obj )
eReceipt * Boolean

Flag to send the sms/email

Values: ‘true’ or ‘false’

customerName * String

Name of the Requested Customer

customerEmail * String

Email of the Customer

Format: E-mail id

Note: This input field is required, if eReceipt set to ‘true’

customerMobile * String

Customer mobile number

Response Parameters

iposTransactResponse (Obj)

iPOS-TransactResponse ( Obj )
responseCode * Number

iPOS-Transact response code

Values: 200 – Successful

400 – Declined

responseMessage * string

iPOS-Transact response message

Values: Successful, Declined

errResponseCode * Alphanumeric

PG error response code

Values: PG error response code / payment processor error response code

Length: up-to 2 charactersProcessor Response code (2 characters)

Example: 00, 05, …

# Error code & message details shared in below doc

errResponseMessage * string

PG error response message

Values: PG error response message / Payment processor error response message

transactionReferenceId * string

Merchant unique transaction reference id

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: <=20 chars required

transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Note: 1 – sale, 2 – void, 3 – refund

amount * Float

Amount voided/refunded

Format: xxxxxx.xx

responseApprovalCode * string

Response Approval Code

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: 6 chars

RRN * Number

Unique retrieval reference number

Length: 12 characters

transactionId * Number

PG response unique transaction id

Length: 32 characters

transactionNumber * Number

Invoice of Transaction number

Length: 4 digits

batchNumber * Number

Batch Number

Length: 3 digits

  • Mandatory

** upon only on specific conditions

† Optional

Request Body :

  “merchantAuthentication”: {
    “merchantId”: “962923571839”,
    “transactionReferenceId”: “87813a46a578216876a3”
  “transactionRequest”: {
    “amount”: “500”,
    “rrn”: “412308501306”
  “preferences”: {
    “eReceipt”: true,
    “customerName”: “Sujith”,
    “customerEmail”: “schennur@denovosystem.com”,
    “customerMobile”: “+919030427945”

Response Body :

    “iposhpresponse”: {
        “responseCode”: “200”,
        “responseMessage”: “Success”,
        “errResponseCode”: “”,
        “errResponseMessage”: “”,
        “transactionReferenceId”: “87813a46a578216876a3”,
        “transactionType”: “11”,
        “transactionId”: “64488977724057183920240503023758”,
        “amount”: “500”,
        “responseApprovalCode”: “TAS437”,
        “rrn”: “412308501306”,
        “transactionNumber”: “19”,
        “batchNumber”: “318”,
        “totalAmount”: “500”,
        “customFee”: “”,
        “localTax”: “”,
        “stateTax”: “”

Transaction Type: Open Batch :

Token * Required, AuthToken information to be sent in the header of the request
merchantAuthentication * Required, contains information about the merchant authentication details like TPN number, unique transaction reference id
transactRequest * Required, contains information like Transaction type, RRN, Amount to process payment void / refund

Request Method

HTTPS Request MethodPOST

iposTransact API Endpoint

Sandbox URLhttps://payment.ipospays.tech/api/v1/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)
Production URLhttps://payment.ipospays.com/api/v1/iposTransact (opens in a new tab)

Request Parameters

Request Parameters (Header)

token * AuthToken (can get from portal settings)
JSON Content-Type * application/json

Request Parameters (Body)

merchantAuthentication ( Obj )
merchantId * Number

TPN Number registered in iPOS.

Example Value: 139322815010

Length: 12 digits

transactRequest ( Obj )
transactionType * Number

Type of transactions to be processed.

Default: 9

Values: 9 – Open Batch

Response Parameters:

iposTransactResponse (Obj)

iPOS-TransactResponse ( Obj )
total_without_fee * Decimal

Total Amount without Fee

Values: 1.00

batch_number * String

Batch Number for Settlement Batch

Values: 423

batch_profiles * Object

Batch Profiles Data

withoutLocalTaxAmount * Decimal

Total Amount without Local Tax

Values: 1.00

without_tax * Decimal

Total Amount without Tax

Values: 1.00

batch_summary * Object

Batch Summary Information

inx * String

Batch Summary Index

Value : 1

amount * Decimal

Total Batch Settlement Amount

Value : 96.94

profileId * String

Profile Number Register with TPN

Value: 01

type * String

Type of Transaction

Value: SALE

txName * String

Type of Transaction

Value: SALE

transaction_no * Number

Transaction Number

Value : 2

batch_number * String

Batch Number

Value : 2

fee * Decimal

Fee Amount

Value : 3.63

batch_details * Object

Batch Detail Information

surcharge * Number


reducedTaxFee * String

Reduced Tax Fee

groupType * String

Group Type

approvalCode * String

Transaction Approval Code

Value : TAS996

externalRefId * String

External Transaction Id

tagValue * String

Tag Value

discount * Number

Discount Amount

appCode * String

Transaction Approval Code

Value : TAS996

type * String

Transaction Type

Value : Sale

voidFlag * String

Void Status

Value : N/Y

posRequestTime * String

Transaction Request Time

invoiceNumber * String

Invoice Number

onlyTipAmt * Number

Tip Amount

customFee * Number

Custome Fee

approvedAmount * Decimal

Approved Txn Amount

commercialTaxAmount * Number

Commercial Tax Amount

reducedTax * Number

Reduced Tax Amount

tagLabel * String

Tag Label Value

serviceFee * Decimal

Service Fee Amount

amount * Decimal

Transaction Amount

tipAmount * Decimal

Tip Amount

merchantFee * Decimal

Merchant Fee

transactionId * String

Unique Transaction generated per Request

stateTaxAmount * Decimal

State Tax Amount

baseAmount * Decimal

Base Amount

rrn * String

Transaction Unique Number

localTaxAmount * Decimal

Local Tax Amount

feeAmount * Decimal

Fee Amount

profileId * String

Profile Id

adjustedTipAmount * Decimal

Adjusted Tip Amount

totalTaxAmount * Decimal

Total Tax Amount

posRequestDate * String

Pos Request Date

account * String

Transaction Initiated PAN

card * String

Card Type

discount * Decimal

Discount Amount

settleDate * String

Settled Date

batchBase * Decimal

Batch Base Amount

Batch Total Amount * Decimal

Discount Amount

stateTaxAmount * Decimal

State Tax Amount

withoutStateTaxAmount * Decimal

Without State Tax Amount

localTaxAmount * Decimal

Local Tax Amount

without_discount * Decimal

Without Discount

profile_name * String

Profile Name

without_tip * String

Without Tip Amount

profileCode * String

Profile Code

tip * Decimal

Tip Amount

without_fee * Decimal

Without Fee Amount

taxAmount * Decimal

Tax Amount

transaction_no * Number

Transaction Number

processorData * Object

Processor Information

Agent * String

Agent Number

Chain * String

Chain Number

TermNo * String

Terminal Number

Agent_FIID * String

Agent Id

Mid * String

Terminal Registered under Merchant Number

Store * String

Registered Store Number

dsGroup * String

Terminal Number

TermId * String

Registered under Bank

ABA_No * String

total_transactions * Number

Number of transaction Settle

total_fee * Decimal

Total Fee Amount

cash_payment * Object

Cash Payment Transactions

data * Object

Cash Payment Transactions Data

cash_payment_total * Number

Total Cash Payments

cash_txn_count * Number

Total Cash Txn Count

alter_payments * Object

Alter Payment under TPN

alter_txn_count * Number

Alter Payment Txn Count

approvalCode * String

Approval Code

txTimeq * String

Transaction Time

DiscountFee * Decimal

Discount Fee

createdAt * String

Transaction Requested Date

posResponseCode * String

Pos Response Code

invoiceNumber * String

Invoice Number

onlyTipAmt * Decimal

Tip Amount

cashDiscount * Decimal

Cash Discount Amount

txName * String

Transaction Name

updatedAt * String

Transaction Response Updated Date

serviceFee * String

Service Fee Amount

hostResponseCode * String

Host Response Code

maskedPan * String

Masked PAN number

additionalDetails * String

Additional Details

transactionId * String

Transaction Id generated per request

destType * String

Destination Name

txAmount * Decimal

Transaction Amount

rrn * String

Unique Transaction Number from Processor

transactionType * Decimal

Type of Transaction

totalAmount * Decimal

Total Amount

tpn * String

Merchant Id

sourceType * String

Requested Source Name

commonMode * String

Mode of Request Received

txDate * String

Transaction Date

alter_payment_total * Decimal

Alter Payments Total Amount

total_tip * Decimal

Total Tip Amount

batch_total * Decimal

Batch Total Amount

*Request : *

  "merchantAuthentication": {
    "merchantId": "258823860131"
  "transactionRequest": {
    "transactionType": 9

*Response Successful : *

    "iposhpresponse": {
        "total_without_fee": 93.31,
        "batch_number": "432",
        "batch_profiles": [
                "withoutLocalTaxAmount": 82.58,
                "without_tax": 75.4,
                "batch_summary": [
                        "inx": "1",
                        "amount": 96.94,
                        "profileId": "01",
                        "type": "SALE",
                        "txName": "SALE",
                        "transaction_no": 2
                "batch_number": "432",
                "fee": 3.63,
                "batch_details": [
                        "surcharge": 0,
                        "reducedTaxFee": "",
                        "groupType": null,
                        "approvalCode": "TAS996",
                        "externalRefId": "0",
                        "tagValue": null,
                        "discount": 0,
                        "appCode": "TAS996",
                        "type": "SALE",
                        "voidFlag": "N",
                        "posRequestTime": "05:33:38",
                        "invoiceNumber": "000001",
                        "onlyTipAmt": 0,
                        "customFee": 0,
                        "approvedAmount": 20.65,
                        "commercialTaxAmount": 0,
                        "reducedTax": 0,
                        "tagLabel": null,
                        "serviceFee": 0,
                        "amount": 20.65,
                        "tipAmount": 0,
                        "merchantFee": 0,
                        "transactionId": "18019819047186013120240502053338",
                        "stateTaxAmount": 1.59,
                        "baseAmount": 15.88,
                        "rrn": "412305501499",
                        "localTaxAmount": 3.18,
                        "feeAmount": 0,
                        "profileId": "01",
                        "adjustedTipAmount": 0,
                        "totalTaxAmount": 4.77,
                        "posRequestDate": "2024-05-02",
                        "account": "424242******4242",
                        "card": "VISA"
                "discount": 0,
                "settleDate": null,
                "batchBase": 71.77,
                "batch_total": 96.94,
                "stateTaxAmount": 7.18,
                "withoutStateTaxAmount": 89.75999999999999,
                "localTaxAmount": 14.36,
                "without_discount": 96.94,
                "profile_name": "with fee ",
                "without_tip": 96.94,
                "profileCode": "01",
                "tip": 0,
                "without_fee": 93.31,
                "taxAmount": 21.54,
                "transaction_no": 2,
                "processorData": {
                    "Agent": "000000",
                    "Chain": "111111",
                    "TermNo": "1515",
                    "Agent_FIID": "8954",
                    "Mid": "888000003338",
                    "Store": "5999",
                    "dsGroup": "894895618956",
                    "TermId": "75091651",
                    "ABA_No": "894789561"
        "total_transactions": 2,
        "total_fee": 3.63,
        "cash_payment": {
            "data": [],
            "cash_payment_total": 0,
            "cash_txn_count": 0
        "alter_payments": {
            "alter_txn_count": 27,
            "data": [
                    "approvalCode": "00",
                    "txTime": "12:36:41",
                    "DiscountFee": 0,
                    "createdAt": "2024-05-02T07:06:46.000Z",
                    "posResponseCode": "00",
                    "invoiceNumber": null,
                    "onlyTipAmt": 0,
                    "id": "9fed09f6-4c97-4ce4-8974-2d22c4dea69c",
                    "cashDiscount": 0,
                    "txName": "SALE",
                    "updatedAt": "2024-05-02T07:07:12.000Z",
                    "serviceFee": 0,
                    "hostResponseCode": "00",
                    "maskedPan": "0000000011101010",
                    "additionalDetails": null,
                    "transactionId": "66349652588238601311714633606512",
                    "destType": "ACH",
                    "txAmount": 15.45,
                    "rrn": "204180145",
                    "transactionType": "CHECK",
                    "totalAmount": 15.45,
                    "tpn": "258823860131",
                    "sourceType": "ACH",
                    "commonMode": "WIFI",
                    "txDate": "2024-05-02T08:36:41.000Z"
            "alter_payment_total": 410.08
        "total_tip": 0,
        "batch_total": 96.94

Failed Response :

    "iposhpresponse": {
        "field": "IPOS_BATCH_001",
        "message": "no open batch for this TPN"

Error Response Code & Messages

HTTP Response CodeResponse Message
200 * Success
400 * Declined
iPOS-Transact Error FieldiPOS-Transact Error Response Message
merchantAuthentication (object) * Merchant authentication cannot be null
transactionRequest (object) * Transaction request cannot be null
merchantId * Merchant id cannot be null
merchantId * Invalid merchant id
transactionReferenceId * Transaction reference id cannot be null
transactionReferenceId * Invalid transaction reference id
token * Invalid token
Failed * Device does not exist
Failed * TPN status is suspended
Failed * TPN status is not active
transactionRequest (object) * Invalid transaction request
Error Response CodeError Response Message
0 * APPROVAL Approved and completed
1 * CALL Refer to issuer
2 * CALL Refer to issuer-Special condition
3 * TERM ID ERROR Invalid Merchant ID
4 * HOLD-CALL Pick up card (no fraud)
5 * DECLINE Do not honor
6 * ERROR General error
7 * HOLD-CALL Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)
8 * APPROVAL Honor Mastercard with ID
10 * PARTIAL APPROVAL Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022
11 * APPROVAL VIP approval
12 * INVALID TRANS Invalid transaction
13 * AMOUNT ERROR Invalid amount
14 * CARD NO. ERROR Invalid card number
15 * NO SUCH ISSUER No such issuer
19 * RE ENTER Re-enter transaction
21 * NO ACTION TAKEN Unable to back out transaction
25 * NO CARD NUMBER Unable to locate the account number
28 * NO REPLY File is temporarily unavailable
30 * MSG FORMAT ERROR Transaction was improperly formatted
39 * NO CREDIT ACCT No credit account
41 * HOLD-CALL Lost card, pick up (fraud account)
43 * HOLD-CALL Stolen card, pick up (fraud account)
46 * CLOSED ACCOUNT Closed account
51 * DECLINE Insufficient funds
52 * NO CHECK ACCOUNT No checking account
53 * NO SAVE ACCOUNT No savings account
54 * EXPIRED CARD Expired card
55 * WRONG PIN Incorrect PIN
57 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Card
58 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Terminal
59 * SUSPECTED FRAUD Suspected fraud
61 * EXC APPR AMT LIM Exceeds approval amount limit
62 * DECLINE Invalid service code, restricted
63 * SEC VIOLATION Security violation
65 * EXC W/D FREQ LIM Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
6P * VERIF DATA FAILD Verification data failed
75 * PIN EXCEEDED Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded
76 * UNSOLIC REVERSAL Unable to locate, no match
77 * NO ACTION TAKEN Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data
78 * NO ACCOUNT Blocked, first used transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked
3 * TERM ID ERROR Invalid Merchant ID
4 * HOLD-CALL Pick up card (no fraud)
5 * DECLINE Do not honor
6 * ERROR General error
7 * HOLD-CALL Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)
8 * APPROVAL Honor Mastercard with ID
10 * PARTIAL APPROVAL Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022
11 * APPROVAL VIP approval
12 * INVALID TRANS Invalid transaction
13 * AMOUNT ERROR Invalid amount
14 * CARD NO. ERROR Invalid card number
15 * NO SUCH ISSUER No such issuer
19 * RE ENTER Re-enter transaction
21 * NO ACTION TAKEN Unable to back out transaction
25 * NO CARD NUMBER Unable to locate the account number
28 * NO REPLY File is temporarily unavailable
30 * MSG FORMAT ERROR Transaction was improperly formatted
39 * NO CREDIT ACCT No credit account
41 * HOLD-CALL Lost card, pick up (fraud account)
43 * HOLD-CALL Stolen card, pick up (fraud account)
46 * CLOSED ACCOUNT Closed account
51 * DECLINE Insufficient funds
52 * NO CHECK ACCOUNT No checking account
53 * NO SAVE ACCOUNT No savings account
54 * EXPIRED CARD Expired card
55 * WRONG PIN Incorrect PIN
57 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Card
58 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Terminal
59 * SUSPECTED FRAUD Suspected fraud
61 * EXC APPR AMT LIM Exceeds approval amount limit
62 * DECLINE Invalid service code, restricted
63 * SEC VIOLATION Security violation
65 * EXC W/D FREQ LIM Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
6P * VERIF DATA FAILD Verification data failed
75 * PIN EXCEEDED Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded
76 * UNSOLIC REVERSAL Unable to locate, no match
77 * NO ACTION TAKEN Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data
78 * NO ACCOUNT Blocked, first used transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked
H7 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
H8 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
H9 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
HV * FAILURE HV Hierarchy Verification Error
K0 * TOKEN RESPONSE Token request was processed
K1 * TOKEN NOT CONFIG Tokenization is not configured
K2 * TERM NOT AUTHENT Terminal is not authenticated
K3 * TOKEN FAILURE Data could not be de-tokenized
M0 * DOM DBT NOT ALWD Mastercard: Canada region-issued Domestic Debit Transaction not allowed
N2 * CACHBACK NOT AVL Cash back service not available
N3 * CACHBACK NOT AVL Cash back service not available
N4 * DECLINE Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit
N7 * CVV2 MISMATCH CVV2 Value supplied is invalid
P0 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P1 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P2 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P3 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P4 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P5 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P6 * SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support
P7 * MISSING SERIAL NUM The terminal has not yet completed the boarding process. The Serial Number has not been set up.
Q1 * CARD AUTH FAIL Card authentication failed
R0 * STOP RECURRING Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment
R1 * STOP RECURRING Customer requested stop of all recurring payments from specific merchant
R3 * STOP ALL RECUR All recurring payments have been canceled for the card number in the request
S0 * INACTIVE CARD The PAN used in the transaction is inactive.
S1 * MOD 10 FAIL The Mod-10 check failed.
S5 * DCLN NO PRE AUTH Decline - no preauthorization found.
S9 * MAX BALANCE Maximum working balance exceeded.
SA * SHUT DOWN The Authorization Server is shut down.
SB * INVALID STATUS Invalid card status – status is other than active
SC * UNKNOWN STORE Unknown dealer/store code – special edit.
SD * TOO MANY RCHRGS Maximum number of recharges is exceeded.
SE * ALREADY USED Card was already used.
SF * NOT MANUAL Manual transactions not allowed.
SH * TYPE UNKNOWN Transaction type was unknown.
SJ * INVALID TENDER An invalid tender type was submitted.
SK * CUSTOMER TYPE An invalid customer type was submitted.
SL * PIN LOCKED PIN was locked.
SM * MAX REDEMPTS The maximum number of redemptions was exceeded.
SP * MAX PAN TRIES The maximum number of PAN tries was exceeded.
SR * ALREADY ISSUED The card was already issued.
SS * NOT ISSUED The card was not issued.
T0 * APPROVAL First check is okay and has been converted.
T1 * CANNOT CONVERT The check is okay but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction.
T2 * INVALIDABA Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant.
T3 * AMOUNT ERROR Amount greater than the limit.
V1 * FAILURE VM Daily threshold exceeded.