iPOSpays WooCommerce Extension

Installing the iPOSpays WooCommerce Extension

As a site administrator, you have several options for installing the iPOSpays WooCommerce Extension, but the easiest method is directly through your WordPress site’s admin dashboard.

This guide will walk you through the steps to install and activate the iPOSpays WooCommerce Extension from the Plugins section of the WordPress administrator dashboard.

Check for the iPOSpays WooCommerce Extension

Before installing the iPOSpays WooCommerce extension, first check if it's already installed. If it is, some of the setup is already complete!

To check if the iPOSpays WooCommerce extension is installed:

  1. Navigate to your WooCommerce site’s administrator dashboard.

  2. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.

  3. Browse through the list to see if “WooCommerce iPOSpays Gateway” is already installed.

If it's not listed, proceed with the installation instructions in the section below.

Installing the iPOSpays WooCommerce Extension

Once you’ve confirmed that the iPOSpays WooCommerce extension is not already installed on your site, you can proceed with the installation and activation.

To Install iPOSpays:

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New on your WordPress site.

  2. Type “iPOSpays” in the search box and press Enter on your keyboard.

  3. Locate "WooCommerce iPOSpays Payment Gateway" by WooCommerce, which should appear among the first results.

  4. Click the Install Now button to begin installing the iPOSpays WooCommerce extension.

  5. Once the installation is complete, the Install Now button will change to Activate.

  6. Click Activate to enable the iPOSpays WooCommerce extension.

  7. After activation, you will be redirected to the Plugins > Installed Plugins page.

Once the iPOSpays WooCommerce extension is activated, you'll need to connect your iPOSpays account.

Connecting to an iPOSpays account

The iPOSpays extension allows you to securely connect your iPOSpays account to WooCommerce for processing payments.

  • If you haven’t created a merchant account on iPOSpays, please reach out to your Dejavoo sales representative or email sales@dejavoosystems.com to create an account.

  • If you already have an iPOSpays account, logging in before connecting the extension will simplify the process.

Note: The WooCommerce support team does not provide technical assistance for iPOSpays accounts and cannot help with account-related inquiries. If you need support with your iPOSpays account, please contact iPOSpays directly.

Steps to Connect Your iPOSpays Account

Once you’ve installed the iPOSpays extension, follow these steps to connect to iPOSpays:

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments tab.
  1. Then, Payment Methods > iPOSpays - Credit/Debit Card (iPOSpays) > Finish setup button.
  1. Customize the payment method name and description by entering your preferred name and description in the respective fields, then click Save settings to apply the changes.
  1. Under Settings, you can enable Test mode if desired.
  1. In the Account details section, click the Edit account keys button.
  1. Edit the test account keys as needed, then click Save settings for the changes to take effect.
  1. Under Payments and transactions, choose between two payment options:
  • Embedded Payment: The checkout process is completed within the site.
  • Redirect Page Payment: Customers are redirected to a secure hosted payment page to complete their checkout.