Onboard Merchant API


  • ISO Account
  • POS parameter template (optional)
  • Customer ID & Authentication API KEY
  1. Get ISO Account:

If you are an existing customer of iPOSpays, you won’t need to create an account.

If you are a new customer, send an email to sales@dejavoosystems.com for creating an account.

  1. Create POS parameters’ template (optional)

To create a POS parameters template. First, create a merchant account using your ISO account. Then set the POS parameters to suit your merchant’s needs and save it as a template to assign for similar merchants in the future. You can also create multiple templates for different merchant verticals.

or send an email to devsupport@denovosystem.com to get help in creating a template.

Example: For restaurant merchants, enabling tip is important but for in-store merchants it is irrelevant. Hence, we have given the option to enable/disable parameters such as tip, taxes, digital receipt, Custom fee, cash discounting, and much more based on the merchant’s requirement.

  1. Onboarding without parameters template

You can also onboard merchants using the API even without a template, but default POS parameters will be applied.

  1. Get Customer ID & Authentication API KEY

Send an email to sales@dejavoosystems.com, and copy devsupport@denovosystem.com. We will send you a customer ID & API-KEY which can be used for your API request.

API Request URL

Sandbox API URL - https://externalapi.ipospays.tech/onboardmerchant (opens in a new tab)

API reference

onboardmerchant API request contains 3 primary objects

onboardmerchant API ( )
merchantData *

It’s mandatory object

This Objects contains the following information

merchant dba,


first name

last name



phone number

ebt info (optional)

storeData *

it’s a mandatory object.

This Objects contains the following information

store dba


first name

last name



phone number

merchant category code etc…

tpnData *

it’s a mandatory object.

This Objects contains the following information

device manufacturer

device model

routing type

application sign

bin number

assign template

processor information

Request Parameters

Header Authorization – Request Parameters

Authorization * API KEY
Content-Type * application/json

Body – Request Parameters

merchantData (Obj) ( )
dba * String

Merchant DBA name

Format: Alphanumeric, special chars Allowed special chars

Length: min – 2, max – 35 characters

Example value: Starbucks

firstName * string

Merchant First Name

Format: Alphabets

Length: min – 2, max – 50 characters

Example value: Michel

lastName * string

Merchant Last Name

Format: Alphabets

Length: min – 1, max – 12 characters

Example value: Jackson

email * string

Merchant Email Id

Format: e-mail id

Length: min – 6, max – 255 characters

Example value: example@testmail.com

addressLine1 * string

Merchant address line 1

Format: Alphanumeric, special charsAllowed special chars:

Length: min – 2, max – 35 characters

addressLine2 * string

Merchant address line 2

Format: Alphanumeric, special charsAllowed special chars:

Length: min – 2, max – 35 characters

zipCode * Numbers

Merchant Zip Code

Format: xxxxx

Length: 5 digits required

Note: City & State info will be stored based on given Zip-code value

phoneNumber * Numbers

Merchant Contact Phone Number

Format: xxxxxxxxxx

Length: min – 10, max – 12

ebt * string

EBT value (is optional)

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: 7 chars required

isoAgentReference * string

ISO Agent Reference

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: min – 1, max – 15 characters

isoMerchant * string

Merchant Reference

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: min – 1, max – 6 characters

merchantLogoUrl * string

Merchant Logo image url

Format: http / https url

ISDcode * string

ISD code number

Format: +xxx

Length: min – 2, max – 4

Allowed special chars: +

storeData (Obj) ( )
mccCode * Numeric

Merchant category code

Format: xxxx

Length: 4 digits required

dba * String

Store DBA name

Format: Alphanumeric, special chars Allowed special chars

Length: min – 2, max – 35 characters

Example value: Starbucks

firstName * string

Store manager / owner first name

Format: Alphabets

Length: min – 2, max – 50 characters

Example value: Michel

lastName * string

Store manager / owner last name

Format: Alphabets

Length: min – 1, max – 12 characters

Example value: Jackson

email * string

Store Email Id

Format: e-mail id

Length: min – 6, max – 255 characters

Example value: example@testmail.com

addressLine1 * string

Store address info line 1

Format: Alphanumeric, special charsAllowed special chars:

Length: min – 2, max – 35 characters

addressLine2 * string

Store address info line 2

Format: Alphanumeric, special charsAllowed special chars:

Length: min – 2, max – 35 characters

zipCode * Numbers

Store located Zip-code

Format: xxxxx

Length: 5 digits required

Note: City & State info will be stored based on given Zip-code value

phoneNumber * Numbers

Store Phone number

Format: xxxxxxxxxx

Length: min – 10, max – 12

ISDcode * string

ISD code number

Format: +xxx

Length: min – 2, max – 4

Allowed special chars: +

tpnData (Obj) ( )
deviceManufacturer * String

Device manufacturer information

Format: Alphabets

Values: Cloud POS, Android Phone, WizardPOS, Kozen

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

deviceModel * String

Device model information

Values: P1, P3, P5, Q2, QD2, QD3, QD4, QD5, QD6, Cloud POS, Tap on phone

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

tpnApplicationSign * string

Application signature information

Format: Alphabets

Values: CRDT

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

tpnAssignTemplate * string

Assign template information

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: min – 5, max – 30 characters

tpnRoutingType * string

Routing type information

Format: Alphabets

Values: SIMPLE

Values: SIMPLE

Default value: SIMPLE

defaultLabel * string

Default label value

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: 18 chars required

The device model and manufacturer are conditional. For example, P1 is available only in Kozen. Check the below table for reference

Device ManufacturerDevice Model
Kozen * P1, P3, P5
Wizer POS * Q2, QD2, QD3, QD4, QD5, QD6
Cloud POS * Cloud POS
Android Phone * Tap on Phone
Processor : TSYS ( )
tpnProcessor * Object

Note: object name as specified in doc

processorName * string

Processor name

Format: Alphabets


Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

profileId * string

Profile Id value – with fee or without fee

Values: 01 – with fee, 02 – without fee

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

Mid * Numbers

Mid input value

Length: 12 digits required

Agent * Numbers

Agent input value

Length: 6 digits required

Chain * Numbers

Chain input value

Length: 6 digits required

Store * Numbers

Store input value

Length: 4 digits required

TermNo * Numbers

Term Number input value

Length: 4 digits required

TermId * string

Term Id input value

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: 8 chars required

ABA_No * Numbers

ABA_No input value

Length: 9 digits required

Agent_FIID * Alphanumeric

Type: String (SETT.Agent)

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: 4 chars required

dsGroup * string

dsGroup input value

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: min:1, max:30 chars required

tpnBin * Numbers

TPN Bin input value

Length: 6 digits required

Processor : PNWX ( )
tpnProcessor * Object

Note: object name as specified in doc

processorName * String

Format: Alphabets

Values: PNWX

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

profileId * string

Values: 01 – with fee, 02 – without fee

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

AccessTokenUser * string

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: min – 25, max – 50 characters

AccessTokenPassword * string

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: min – 25, max – 50 characters

Processor : CKNX ( )
tpnProcessor * Object

Note: object name as specified in doc

processorName * String

Format: Alphabets

Values: CKNX

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

profileId * string

Values: 01 – with fee, 02 – without fee

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

apiKey * string

Length: max – 45 characters

Processor : ZCRD ( )
tpnProcessor * Object

Note: object name as specified in doc

processorName * String

Format: Alphabets

Values: ZCRD

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

profileId * string

Profile id value with fee or without fee

Values: 01 – with fee, 02 – without fee

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

TerminalNumber * Numbers

Terminal number input value

Length: max – 16

Password * String

Password input value

Length: max – 16

Track2 * String

Track2 input value

Format: Alphanumeric

Length: max – 18

Processor : FRDC ( )
tpnProcessor * Object

Note: object name as specified in doc

processorName * String

Format: Alphabets

Values: FRDC

Note: pre-defined inputs as per doc

tpnBin * Numbers

TPN Bin input value

Length: 6 digits required

Mid * String

Mid input value

Length: max – 15 characters

Format - Alphanumeric

TermId * String

Term Id input value

Length: max – 15 characters

Format - Alphanumeric

GroupId * String

Group Id input value

Length: max – 15 characters

Format - Alphanumeric

*Mandatory Variables

Optional Variables

Pre-defined values shared in these documents

Response Parameters

Variable NameDescription
message * Contains information about Success / Failure of request
data * Contains information about the response data based on the request on success
errors * Contains information about the errors based on the request input on failure

On Board / Create of Merchant, Store & TPN

API end-point URL

Sandbox Url - https://externalapi.ipospays.tech/onboardmerchant (opens in a new tab)

Request Method

Method * POST

Header Authorization Info

Authorization * API KEY
Content-Type * application/json

Sample JSON Request – on create of Merchant-Store-TPN

    Authorization: API-Key value
    content-type: application/json
    "merchantData": {
        "dba": "Merchant DBA name",
        "email": "Merchant e-mail Id",
        "firstName": "Merchant first name",
        "lastName": "Merchant last name - optional",
        "addressLine1": "Merchant address line 1",
        "addressLine2": "Merchant address line 2 - optional",
        "zipCode": "Merchant zip code",
        "ISDcode": "country ISD code",
        "phoneNumber": "Merchant phone number",
        "ebt": "EBT info",        
        "isoAgentReference": "ISO agent reference info",
        "isoMerchant": "ISO Merchant reference info",
        "merchantLogoUrl": "Merchant Logo Url"
    "storeData": {
        "dba": "Store DBA name",
        "email": "Store e-mail Id",
        "mccCode": "pre-defined merchant category code",
        "firstName": "Store manager first name",
        "lastName": "Store manager last name - optional",
        "addressLine1": "Store address line 1",
        "addressLine2": "Store address line 2 - optional",
        "zipCode": "Store zip code",
        "ISDcode": "Country ISD code"
        "phoneNumber": "Store phone number"
    "tpnData": {
        "deviceManufacturer": "Device manufacturer – refer document",
        "deviceModel": "Device Model Id – refer document",
        "tpnApplicationSign": "TPN application sign – refer document",
        "tpnRoutingType": "TPN routing type",
        "tpnBin": "BIN Number",
        "defaultLabel": "default label details",
        "tpnAssignTemplate": "Assign template",
        "tpnProcessor": {	// refer below document for each processor name with profiles
        	"processorName": "processor name",
            	“profile”: [ 
                    // array values, refer below doc for profile request info 

Note: reference for processor request info in tpnData object is given below

For processor name – PWNX

            "processorName": "PWNX",
				"profileId": "01", 
				" AccessTokenUser":"Access token user",
				" AccessTokenPassword":"Access token password"
				"profileId": "02", 
				" AccessTokenUser":"98984949484985",
				" AccessTokenPassword":"98e98e9e88888"

For processor name – TSYS

            "processorName": "TSYS",
				"profileId": "01", 
                "Mid": "Mid number info",
                "Agent": "Agent number info",
                "Chain": "Chain number info",
                "Store": "Store number info",
                "TermNo": "Term Number info",
                "TermId": "TermId number info",
                "ABA_No": "ABA Number details",
                "Agent_FIID": "Agent FIID info",
                "dsGroup": "ds group info"			
"profileId": "02", 
"Mid": "Mid number info",
"Agent": "Agent number info",
"Chain": "Chain number info",
"Store": "Store number info",
"TermNo": "Term Number info",
"TermId": "TermId number info",
"ABA_No": "ABA Number details",
"Agent_FIID": "Agent FIID info",
"dsGroup": "ds group info"						

For processor name – ZCRD

            "processorName": "ZCRD",
				"profileId": "01", 
				"TerminalNumber": "Terminal Number",
				"Password": "password info",
				"Track2": "Track2 info"
				"profileId": "02",
				"TerminalNumber": "Terminal Number",
				"Password": "password info",
				"Track2": "Track2 info"

Sample JSON Response – on create of Merchant-Store-TPN

On Success: http response status: 200

json response 
    "message": "Merchant onboard successfully",
    "data": {
        "merchantId": "Merchant Id",
        "storeId": "Store Id",
        "tpn": " TPN Number"

On failure: http response status: 400

json response
    "message": "Merchant onboard failure",
    "errors": [
            "code": "error_code",
            "message": "error_message",
            "param": "error_on_input_field",
            "code": "already_exists",
            "message": "Given merchant dba name input is already exists",
            "param": "merchantData.dba",

On Authorization failure: http response status: 401

json response
    "message": "Access denied, invalid authorization token!",
    "errors": []

Sample JSON Request – on create of TPN

    Authorization: API-Key value
    content-type: application/json
    "merchantData": {
        "merchantId":"API responded Merchant Id"
    "storeData": {
        "dba": "Store DBA name",
        "email": "Store e-mail Id",
        "mccCode": "pre-defined merchant category code",
        "firstName": "Store manager first name",
        "lastName": "Store manager last name - optional",
        "addressLine1": "Store address line 1",
        "addressLine2": "Store address line 2 - optional",
        "zipCode": "Store zip code",
        "ISDcode": "Country ISD code"
        "phoneNumber": "Store phone number"
    "tpnData": {
        "deviceManufacturer": "Device manufacturer – refer document",
        "deviceModel": "Device Model Id – refer document",
        "tpnApplicationSign": "TPN application sign – refer document",
        "tpnRoutingType": "TPN routing type",
        "tpnBin": "BIN Number",
        "defaultLabel": "default label details",
        "tpnAssignTemplate": "Assign template",
        "tpnProcessor": {	// refer below document for each processor name with profiles
        	"processorName": "processor name",
            	“profile”: [ 
// array values, refer below doc for profile request info 

Sample JSON Response – on create of Store-TPN

On Success: http response status: 200

json response 
    "message": "Store onboard successfully",
    "data": {
        "merchantId": "Merchant Id",
        "storeId": "Store Id",
        "tpn": " TPN Number"

On failure: http response status: 400

json response
    "message": "Store onboard failure",
    "errors": [
            "code": "error_code",
            "message": "error_message",
            "param": "error_on_input_field"
            "code": "already_exists",
            "message": "Given store dba name input is already exists",
            "param": "storeData.dba"

On Authorization failure: http response status: 401

json response
    "message": "Access denied, invalid authorization token!",
    "errors": []

Sample JSON Request – on create of TPN

    Authorization: API-Key value
    content-type: application/json
    "merchantData": {
        "merchantId":"API responded Merchant Id"
    "storeData": {
        "storeId":"API responded Store Id"
    "tpnData": {
        "deviceManufacturer": "Device manufacturer – refer document",
        "deviceModel": "Device Model Id – refer document",
        "tpnApplicationSign": "TPN application sign – refer document",
        "tpnRoutingType": "TPN routing type",
        "tpnBin": "BIN Number",
        "defaultLabel": "default label details",
        "tpnAssignTemplate": "Assign template",
        "tpnProcessor": {	// refer below document for each processor name with profiles
        	"processorName": "processor name",
            	“profile”: [ 
// array values, refer below doc for profile request info 

Sample JSON Response – on create of TPN

On Success: http response status: 200

json response 
    "message": "TPN onboard success",
    "data": {
        "merchantId": "Merchant Id",
        "storeId": "Store Id",
        "tpn": " TPN Number"

On failure: http response status: 400

json response
    "message": "TPN onboard failure",
    "errors": [
            "code": "error_code",
            "message": "error_message",
            "param": "error_on_input_field"
            "code": "mandatory_field",
            "message": "Device model input is mandatory",
            "param": "tpnData.deviceModel"            

On Authorization failure: http response status: 401

json response
    "message": "Access denied, invalid authorization token!",
    "errors": []

Error Response Codes & Messages

Common Error CodeCommon error message
mandatory_field * If input field is mandatory
invalid_characters_or_length * If input field characters or length are not as specified
invlaid_data * If input field data given is invalid
already_exists * If input given is already exists in our database
Methodinvalid_dependent_data * If dependent input given is invalid
invalid_object_name * If the payload has invalid object or not as specified
Error CodeError message
mandatory_field * Merchant dba name input is mandatory
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant dba name should have min 2 chars and upto 35 chars
mandatory_field * Merchant e-mail address input is mandatory
invalid_email * Merchant e-mail address should be valid and check email address is properly formatted
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant e-mail address length cannot be exceed 255 chars
already_exists * Given merchant e-mail address input is already exists
mandatory_field * Merchant first name input is mandatory
invalid_data * Merchant first name input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant first name input should have min 2 & upto 50 characters
invalid_data * Merchant last name input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant last name input should have min 2 & upto 50 characters
mandatory_field * Merchant address line 1 input is mandatory
invalid_data * Merchant address line 1 input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant address line 1 input should have min 2 & upto 35 characters
invalid_data * Merchant address line 2 input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant address line 2 should have min 2 and upto 35 characters
mandatory_field * Merchant zip code input is mandatory
invalid_data * Merchant zip code input is invalid
mandatory_field * Merchant ISD code input is mandatory
invalid_data * Merchant ISD code input is invalid (eg., input format is +1)
mandatory_field * Merchant phone number input is mandatory
invalid_data * Merchant phone number input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant phone number input must have 10 characters
invalid_data * Merchant ebt data input is invalid, must be alphanumeric value
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant ebt data input must have 7 characters
invalid_data * ISO agent reference input is invalid, must have alphanumeric value
invalid_characters_or_length * ISO agent reference input should have min 2 & upto 15 characters
invalid_data * ISO merchant input is invalid, must have alphanumeric value
invalid_characters_or_length * ISO merchant input should have min 1 & upto 6 characters
invalid_data * Merchant Logo URL input is invalid (Ex: https://example.com/image.png)
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant Logo URL input value should not exceed 2000 characters
mandatory_field * Store dba name input is mandatory
invalid_characters_or_length * Store dba name input should have min 2 & upto 35 characters
already_exists * Given store dba name input is already exists
mandatory_field * Store email address input is mandatory
invalid_data * Store email address should be valid and check email address is properly formatted
invalid_characters_or_length * Store email address length cannot be exceed 255 chars
mandatory_field * Store first name input is mandatory
invalid_data * Store first name input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Store first name input should have min 2 & upto 50 characters
invalid_data * Store last name input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Store last name input should have min 2 & upto 50 characters
mandatory_field * Store address line 1 input is mandatory
invalid_data * Store address line 1 input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Store address line 1 input should have min 2 & upto 35 characters
invalid_data * Store address line 2 input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Store address line 2 should have min 2 and upto 35 characters
mandatory_field * Store zip code input is mandatory
invalid_data * Store zip code input is invalid
mandatory_field * Store ISD code input is mandatory
invalid_data * Store ISD code input is invalid (eg., input format is +1)
mandatory_field * Store phone number input is mandatory
invalid_data * Store phone number input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Store phone number input must have 10 characters
mandatory_field * MCC code input is mandatory
invalid_data * MCC code input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * MCC code input must have 4 characters
invalid_mcc_code * invalid_mcc_code
mandatory_field * Device manufacture input is mandatory
invalid_data * Device manufacturer input is invalid
mandatory_field * Device model input is mandatory
invalid_data * Device model input is invalid
mandatory_field * Application sign input is mandatory
invalid_data * Application sign input is invalid
mandatory_field * Routing type input is mandatory
invalid_data * Routing type is invalid
mandatory_field * Bin number input is mandatory
invalid_data * Bin number input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Bin number input must have 6 characters
invalid_data * Bin number input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Bin number input must have 6 characters
invalid_data * Default label input is invalid
invalid_characters_or_length * Default label input should have min 1 and upto 18 characters
invalid_data * Assign template input is invalid, must be alphanumeric value
invalid_characters_or_length * Assign template input should have min 2 and upto 28 characters
mandatory_field * TPN processor name input is mandatory
mandatory_field * TPN profile input is mandatory
invalid_data * TPN profile input is invalid, must have 2 profiles
mandatory_field * TPN profile id input is mandatory
invalid_data * TPN profile id input should not be same to both profiles
invalid_data * TPN profile id input is invalid
mandatory_field * MID input is mandatory
invalid_data * MID input must be in number
invalid_characters_or_length * MID input must have 12 characters
invalid_data * MID input should not be same in both profiles
mandatory_field * Agent input is mandatory
invalid_data * Agent input must be in number
invalid_characters_or_length * Agent input number must hae 6 digits
mandatory_field * Chain input is mandatory
invalid_data * Chain input must be in number
invalid_characters_or_length * Chain input number must have 6 digits
mandatory_field * Store input is mandatory
invalid_data * Store input must be in number
invalid_characters_or_length * Store input number must have 4 digits
mandatory_field * TermNo input is mandatory
invalid_data * TermNo input must be in number
invalid_characters_or_length * TermNo input must have 4 digits
mandatory_field * TermId input is mandatory
invalid_data * TermId input must be in alphanumeric
invalid_characters_or_length * TermId input must have 8 characters
invalid_data * TermId input should not be same to both profiles
invalid_data * ABA_No input must be number
invalid_characters_or_length * ABA_No input must have 9 digits
invalid_data * Agent_FIID must be in alphanumeric
invalid_characters_or_length * Agent_FIID must have 4 characters
invalid_data * dsGroup input must be alphanumeric
invalid_characters_or_length * dsGroup must have 30 characters
mandatory_field * AccessTokenUser input is mandatory
invalid_data * AccessTokenUser input must be alphanumeric
invalid_characters_or_length * AccessTokenUser must have min 25 characters and should not exceed 56 characters
mandatory_field * AccessTokenPassword input is mandatory
invalid_data * AccessTokenPassword must be in alphanumeric
invalid_characters_or_length * AccessTokenPassword must have min 25 characters and should not exceed 50 characters
invalid_processor_name * invalid_processor_name
invalid_data * TerminalNumber input must be number
invalid_characters_or_length * TerminalNumber must have min 10 characters and should not exceed 16 characters
invalid_data * Password input must be alphanumeric
invalid_characters_or_length * Password must have min 6 characters and should not exceed 16 characters
invalid_data * Track2 input must be alphanumeric
invalid_characters_or_length * Track2 must have min 8 characters and should not exceed 18 characters
invalid_data * ApiKey input can have alphanumeric and following special characters _@.,/#&+’-
invalid_characters_or_length * ApiKey must have 45 characters
invalid_data * MID input can have alphanumeric and following special characters _@.,/#&+’-
invalid_characters_or_length * MID must have 15 characters
invalid_data * TermID input must be number
invalid_characters_or_length * TermID must have 8 characters
invalid_data * GroupID input must be number
invalid_characters_or_length * GroupID must have 5 characters
invalid_data * DID input must be number
invalid_characters_or_length * DID must have 5 characters
invalid_data * RegStatus input can have alphanumeric and following special characters _@.,/#&+’-
invalid_characters_or_length * RegStatus must have min 2 characters and should not exceed 3 characters
mandatory_field * Merchant Id input is mandatory
invalid_characters_or_length * Merchant Id input must have alphanumeric
invalid_data * Merchant Id input is invalid
mandatory_field * Store Id input is mandatory
invalid_characters_or_length * Store Id input must have alphanumeric
invalid_data * Store Id input is invalid

Pre-defined Input Field – Values and Description

Processor Name details ( )

TSYS processor


PWNX processor

Device Manufacturer details ( )
WizardPOS *

WizarPOS manufacturer

Kozen *

Kozen manufacturer

Cloud POS *

Cloud POS manufacturer

Android Phone *

Android Phone

Device Model details ( Device Model and their Manufacturers )
Q2 *


QD2 *


QD3 *


QD4 *


QD5 *


QD6 *


P1 *


P3 *


P5 *


Cloud POS *

Cloud POS

Tap on phone *

Android Phone

Routing Type details ( )


Application Signature details ( )

Credit Debit

Response Parameters – JSON sample

httpStatusResponseCode :  401 (UnAuthorized Access)
	message: "Unauthorized Access / Forbidden",
httpStatusResponseCode :  200 (OK)
    	message: "Merchant created successfully",
	data: {
		// response data
httpStatusResponseCode :  400 (Bad request)
    	code: "error-code",
	message: "error-message",
	param: "error-on-field"

API Simulator

Use below postman API simulator to simulate our onboard merchant API

Url: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/15338272/VUqyoDck#2b7e1a5c-c836-401b-a3e3-684740407347 (opens in a new tab)

Write to us
