Hosted Payment Page

Hosted Payment Page

About Hosted Payment Page URL

Hosted Payment Page (HPP) is a secure payment URL that can be integrated into e-Commerce portal, Billing solution, CRM, Cash register and mobile applications. HPP is hosted in the PCI-DSS certified environment. Hence it obviates the need for integrator’s infrastructure to go thru PCI-DSS certification. HPP URL supports credit cards, PayPal, Venmo, Buy Now Pay Later using Klarna and crypto currency as payment methods.

Response from HPP is passed on to the calling entity either using redirection URL, POST method or through SMS notification. HPP supports cash discounting and tipping. HPP can be customized to match the theme of calling entity – merchant e-commerce website, CRM or billing solution.

Calling entity can use the HPP URL in many different ways to accept payment.

Few of the scenarios include

  • Show the URL as a new page or light box overlay or as an i-frame in the e-commerce portal
  • Send SMS or Email to customers with the link to collect payment
  • Embed the URL into a QR code and print it on invoice, pre-sale ticket, cash register receipts

HPP - Use cases


E-Commerce e-Commerce website can integrate the PAY button with iPOSPays using getHostedPaymentPage API. URL received in the response can be shown on a separate page or within the website as iframe or as a light box. HPP URL will show all payment options enabled for the merchant – Card, wallet, crypt etc., Once payment is done, HPP will call the redirection URL mentioned in the API. Thru this redirection URL merchant website will know all information like approval code, card brand used, masked PAN etc., in case of approval. In case of decline, decline error code and Reason are sent back.

Merchant portal can add Fee and indicate HPP thru a flag not to add any Fee or leave it to HPP to add the fee.

MOTO websites

MOTO website or Restaurants taking order over the phone can integrate with iPOSPays using getHostedPaymentPage API. URL received in the response can be sent to merchant’s customers via email or SMS. Customers can click on the link and complete payment from their mobile phone. Payment receipt will be sent thru SMS.

HPP can notify merchant upon payment either using POST method specified while calling HPP or by receiving an SMS. In addition, merchant also has queryPaymentStatus API to check the status on a proactive basis.

CRM and Billing solutions CRM and billing solutions that need to raise monthly invoice to their customers can integrate with getHostedPaymentPage API. URL received in the response can be send to customer via SMS or Email. As an alternative the URL can be embedded into QR code and printed on the paper invoice. Customers can click on the link and pay from their mobile phone from anywhere.

HPP can notify merchant upon payment either using POST method specified while calling HPP or by receiving an SMS. In addition, merchant also has queryPaymentStatus API to check the status on a proactive basis.

TILL, Cash Registers and POS In a customer present environment, cash registers can print QR code embedded with HPP URL on the itemized bill. Customer can pay for the bill at their convenience without leaving the card on the tab. Customers can add tip on the HPP URL which eliminates the need for tip adjustment at a later time. Servers in restaurants can avoid multiple run from the table to the back office while serving the merchant.

queryPaymentStatus API will allow the TILL to check the payment made from time to time. Tags like service id, table number and employee number can be added to the transactions for easy tracking.

Mobile application Merchant facing Mobile application like billing, collection, ordering etc., can integrate with HPP. URL received in the response can be embedded into a QR code and displayed on Merchant phone. Customer can scan the QR code and pay for the service from their own phone,

After flashing the QR code, merchant application can use queryPaymentStatus API to check the status of payment. As soon as customer makes payment status check API returns with success or failure objects.

Payment Options Supported in HPP

  • Credit card payment. Card acceptance form is shown in the URL.
  • Paypal, Venmo, Buy-Now-Pay-Later Klarna. QR code is shown for customer to scan and pay.
  • DejaBit Crypo payment. QR code is shown for the customer to scan and pay.