SPIn specification

SPIn specification

SPIn interface (Semi-integration) integration can be done either using REST API or SOAP API.

Note: To integrate using REST API, please refer to the following documentation link https://app.theneo.io/dejavoo/spin/spin-rest-api-methods (opens in a new tab)

To Integrate using SOAP API (XML request & response) refer to this document.

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iPOS System’s SPin™ Interface is a semi-integration solution that facilitates fast and simple integration with 3rd party point-of-sale systems such as Integrated POS, Restaurant Management Systems, Kiosks, Cash Registers, Till, etc.


Why SPIn?

SPIn creates a cloud-based connection that allows the Merchant’s system (Host System), a.k.a cash registers, billing software, POS, or Till, to generate the amount due and send to the payment device and the device after finishing the transaction transfers the payment data back to the Host System. This makes reconciliation easier and prevents human errors.

No sensitive cardholder information such as PAN, expiration date, etc is passed to the Host System in the process thus removing the PCI compliance burden for the merchants.