

For Sandbox (UAT) Users should be onboarded on iPOSpays sandbox(UAT) environment as a merchant and have a valid TPN.

For Production (Live) Users should be onboarded on iPOSpays production environment as a merchant and have a valid TPN.

If you do not have a TPN, contact your ISO or

This system focuses on data collection and tokenization. It's not a complete payments API. To process transactions, you'll need to use this in conjunction with the iPOS Transact API.

Get Started

Step 1 : Login to your merchant account and go to settings.

Step 2 : Under Generate Ecom/TOP Merchant Keys section select TPN and Generate Token

Step 3 : Under Whitelisted Domain add the domain of your site in which you want to accept payments.

Watch This Video for a Visual Walkthrough of the Steps

Now you have everything to setup your payment form.

Setting Up Your Payment Form

  • Open your website's index.html file in a text editor.
  • Copy and paste the following code into your text editor and run the program
  • Use the generated token inside “security_key.”
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- Required meta tags -->
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
  <meta name="referrer" content="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" />
  <title>iPosPays Payment Form</title>
  <!-- Add defer to prevent blocking HTML rendering -->
    <input id="ccnumber" />
    <input id="ccexpiry" />
    <input id="cccvv" />
   <input type="submit" id="payButton" />
    async function submitCardFunc(event) {
      event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default form submission
      try {
        const data_response = await postData();
        console.log("PaymentToken:", data_response.payment_token_id);
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error processing payment:", error);
    var payButton = document.getElementById("payButton");
    payButton.addEventListener("click", submitCardFunc);

After clicking the payment button, it will generate a token like 65564fda-9c7e-46fd-9eca-40caff6e53c6, which can be used in the iPOSTransact API to collect payments from customers.

This payment token can only be used once and will expire after 24 hours if it is not used at all.

For Production URL

In the src attribute of the script tag replace the sandbox url with the production url.

Production Live URL: (opens in a new tab)

Error Codes and Their Meaning

For a complete list of error codes and their explanations, please visit our Error Codes Reference Page.