FEED Integration Document
Configure End Point URL
- Step 1: Login to iPOSpays (opens in a new tab)
- Step 2: Go to Settings -> FEED
- Step 3: Paste your end point URL and choose the authentication.
Watch This Video for a Visual Walkthrough of the Steps
Transaction & Settlement
Below is the Sample Code provided with Languages :
Map<String, Object> fields = new TreeMap<>();
fields.put("id", getOrDefault(feedFinalTxnPosting.getId()));
fields.put("version", getOrDefault(feedFinalTxnPosting.getVersion()));
fields.put("createdDt", getOrDefault(feedFinalTxnPosting.getCreatedDt()));
fields.put("eventType", getOrDefault(feedFinalTxnPosting.getEventType()));
fields.put("subEventType", getOrDefault(feedFinalTxnPosting.getSubEventType()));
fields.put("requestType", getOrDefault(feedFinalTxnPosting.getRequestType()));
fields.put("data", convertTxnDetailsToString(feedFinalTxnPosting.getData()));
// Concatenate fields with | as delimiter
String concatenatedString = fields.values().stream().map(value -> getOrDefault(value)).collect(Collectors.joining("|"));
try {
System.out.println("Before MAC Generation Value= " + concatenatedString);
Mac sha256Hmac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA512_ALGORITHM);
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), HMAC_SHA512_ALGORITHM);
byte[] hashBytes = sha256Hmac.doFinal(concatenatedString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : hashBytes) {
String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & b);
if (hex.length() == 1) {
return hexString.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while generating HMAC-SHA256", e);
public static String getOrDefault(Object value) {
return value != null ? value.toString() : "";
Map<String, String> fields = new TreeMap<>();
fields.put("id", feedFinalTxnPosting.getId() != null ? feedFinalTxnPosting.getId().toString() : "");
fields.put("tpn", feedFinalTxnPosting.getTpn());
fields.put("version", feedFinalTxnPosting.getVersion());
fields.put("createdDt", feedFinalTxnPosting.getVersionCreatedDt());
fields.put("eventType", feedFinalTxnPosting.getEventType());
fields.put("subEventType", feedFinalTxnPosting.getSubEventType());
fields.put("requestType", feedFinalTxnPosting.getRequestType());
fields.put("batchNumber", feedFinalTxnPosting.getBatchNumber());
fields.put("settlementDate", feedFinalTxnPosting.getSettlementDate());
fields.put("settlementCount", String.valueOf(feedFinalTxnPosting.getSettlementCount()));
fields.put("settlementAmount", String.valueOf(feedFinalTxnPosting.getSettlementCount()));
fields.put("settlementTxnDetails", convertSettlementTxnDetailsToString(feedFinalTxnPosting.getSettlementTxnDetails()));
// Concatenate fields with | as delimiter
String concatenatedString = fields.values().stream()
try {
Mac sha256Hmac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA512_ALGORITHM);
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), HMAC_SHA512_ALGORITHM);
byte[] hashBytes = sha256Hmac.doFinal(concatenatedString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : hashBytes) {
String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & b);
if (hex.length() == 1) {
return hexString.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while generating HMAC-SHA256", e);
Transaction Types
- Source Types
- Event Types
- Transaction
- Settlement
Sub Events
- Transaction
Settlement Batch
Closed Batch
Transaction Event -
- Transaction Process Payload
Authentication with Basic Authentication
"id": "6ea412fc-7181-4eb6-bb43-d07684ceff72",
"eventType": "Transaction",
"subEventType": "SALE",
"requestType": "N",
"signature": null,
"version": "1.0",
"createdDt": "2024-06-04 08:53:39",
"data": {
"dba": "Virat",
"tpn": "342824380352",
"tpnLabel": "",
"deviceModel": "Cloud POS",
"buildNumber": "10597",
"maskedPan": "424242******4242",
"rrn": "428209503179",
"txName": "SALE",
"transactionId": "41151701526138035220241008151118",
"externalReferenceId": "0",
"amount": 1.3,
"baseAmount": 0.96,
"totalFee": 0.0,
"trueCashDiscountFee": 0.04,
"commercialTaxAmount": 0.0,
"localTaxAmount": 0.2,
"stateTaxAmount": 0.1,
"tipAmount": 0.0,
"tipAdjAmount": 0.0,
"posRequestDate": "2024-10-08",
"posRequestTime": "11:11:18",
"txTime": "05:41:18",
"hostResponseDate": "2024-10-08",
"txDuration": "0.902",
"invoiceNumber": "000002",
"hostResponseCode": "00",
"responseText": "NO MATCH",
"approvalCode": "TAS176",
"tpnBatchNumber": "469",
"cardLabel": "VISA",
"sourceType": "ECOM",
"posEntryMode": "100",
"L2L3uploadflag": "No",
"commMedia": null,
"destType": "TSYS - QA",
"email": "femeyey365@seosnaps.com",
"phoneNumber": "+19898989898",
"tagLabel": "Clerk ID,Table ID,Invoice No",
"tagValue": "1,2,3",
"chName": "Dhoni",
"additionalDetails": "",
"performedBy": "nowona1660@ipnuc.com",
"cardInfo": "PERSONAL",
"cardType": "CREDIT",
"transactionType": "CREDIT",
"cardCategory": "CLASSIC",
"TermId": "75091651",
"Mid": "888000003338",
"description": "Description",
"posMode": "COF",
"minorChannel": "E-Commerce",
"txDate": "2024-10-08",
"cardToken": "7CB5968FACE5A7127CB5968FACE5A712390655538A3C6C73"
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Basic Y2xudGtleV9SbkVfWGV5Y2lwVUVPd2VwRzF3UldBT1pDUXREQzdzblEwM",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
HMAC Sample Request
"id": "2d4f1c3d-b1eb-4867-a168-a05e74ccd245",
"eventType": "Transaction",
"subEventType": "SALE",
"requestType": "N",
"signature": "df0047bae2540420e7645c6c323ee18a106008063fce8491b983031419429378558b74ffa16385470d7d36aa8bcc0d2a45a38e3f6d57410df90d9f970a0848c7",
"version": "1.0",
"createdDt": "2024-06-04 08:53:39",
"data": {
"dba": "Virat",
"tpn": "342824380352",
"tpnLabel": "",
"deviceModel": "Cloud POS",
"buildNumber": "10597",
"maskedPan": "424242******4242",
"rrn": "428209503926",
"txName": "SALE",
"transactionId": "35018720494938035220241008152830",
"externalReferenceId": "0",
"amount": 2.6,
"baseAmount": 1.92,
"totalFee": 0.0,
"trueCashDiscountFee": 0.08,
"commercialTaxAmount": 0.0,
"localTaxAmount": 0.4,
"stateTaxAmount": 0.2,
"tipAmount": 0.0,
"tipAdjAmount": 0.0,
"posRequestDate": "2024-10-08",
"posRequestTime": "11:28:30",
"txTime": "05:58:30",
"hostResponseDate": "2024-10-08",
"txDuration": "1.26",
"invoiceNumber": "000001",
"hostResponseCode": "00",
"responseText": "NO MATCH",
"approvalCode": "TAS575",
"tpnBatchNumber": "470",
"cardLabel": "VISA",
"sourceType": "ECOM",
"posEntryMode": "100",
"L2L3uploadflag": "No",
"commMedia": null,
"destType": "TSYS - QA",
"email": "nowoa1660@ipnuc.comn",
"phoneNumber": "+19898989898",
"tagLabel": "Clerk ID,Table ID,Invoice No",
"tagValue": "1,2,3",
"chName": "Ak Arun",
"additionalDetails": "",
"performedBy": "femeyey365@seosnaps.com",
"cardInfo": "PERSONAL",
"cardType": "CREDIT",
"transactionType": "CREDIT",
"cardCategory": "CLASSIC",
"TermId": "75091651",
"Mid": "888000003338",
"description": "Description",
"posMode": "COF",
"minorChannel": "E-Commerce",
"txDate": "2024-10-08",
"cardToken": "7CB5968FACE5A7127CB5968FACE5A712390655538A3C6C73"
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
Field | Type | Description |
id * | string | Unique id generated for each request |
version * | string | Webhooks Integration Version |
createdDt * | string | Webhooks Implemented Date in EST (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) |
eventType * | string | Transaction Event Type |
subEventType * | string | Transaction type which was done by the Customer |
requestType * | string | Type of Request whether to insert or update the existing record |
signature | string | Mandatory only for HMAC enabled Merchants |
- Data Object
Field | Type | Description |
dba | string | Merchant Registered as Doing Business as with Dejavoo |
tpnLabel | string | Label name which provided while onboarding |
deviceModel | string | Device Name where merchant is performing the transactions this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
tpnBatchNumber | string | Unique number will be generated to process the settlement of merchant transactions |
externalReferenceId | string | Merchant unique transaction reference id. |
hostResponseDate | string | Date time of transaction initiated |
amount | double | (USD) Amount to be charged. Amount will sent in decimal format (example 10.01) |
baseAmount fee | double | Basic amount In cents is $100.00 |
description | string | Description of the transaction this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
commercialTaxAmount | double | Tax Calculation for the Transaction if merchant Opted [Decimal format (Ex : 10.00)] |
localTaxAmount | double | Local Tax Calculation for the Transaction if merchant Opted [Decimal format (Ex : 10.00)] |
tipAmount | double | Tip Amount if Customer raised [Decimal format(Ex : 10.00)] |
tipAdjAmount | double | TipAdjust calculations [Decimal format(Ex : 10.00)] |
posRequestDate | string | Request Received from the POS Terminal Date in EST(yyyy-MM-dd) |
posRequestTime | string | Request Received from the POS Terminal Time in EST(yyyy-MM-dd) |
transactionDate | string | Transaction Initiated Date in EST(yyyy-MM-dd) |
transactionTime | string | Transaction Initiated Time in EST(yyyy-MM-dd) |
hostResponseDate | string | Transaction Date and Time in EST(yyyy-MM-dd) |
txDuration | string | Transaction Duration for complete process this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
invoiceNumber | string | Transaction Number generated by Issuing Bank |
hostResponseCode | string | Received from the Issuing Bank |
responseText | string | Received from the Issuing Bank |
approvalCode | string | Received from the Issuing Bank |
buildNumber | string | Transaction Processing Build this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
cardLabel | string | Card Scheme |
chName | string | Name of Cardholder this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
maskedPan | string | First 6 digits and Last 4 digits of card number |
posMode | string | Transaction Initiated Process |
channel(sourceType) | string | Transaction Initiated Channel |
minorChannel | string | Request Received Channel based on Source this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
commMedia | string | Request Process Communication Mode this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
destType | string | Transaction Acceptor Name(processor) |
string | Customer Email this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update | |
phoneNumber | string | Customer Mobile Number this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
tagLabel | string | Additional Information provided in the Edit Parameters in registration process which will shown as additional Details in HPP and GHPP Page |
tagValue | string | Additional Information provided in the Edit Parameters in registration process which will shown as additional Details in HPP and GHPP Page |
performedBy | string | Customer Name who performed the transaction this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
cardInfo | string | Transaction Initiated by CardHolder or Others |
cardType | string | Card Type used by the cardholder |
transactionMode | string | Mode of the transaction |
cardCategory | string | Card category based on the service provider of the Card Holder |
additionalDetails | string | Future Use this data will received in Second posting which we are Additional Transaction Details as request Type as Update |
termId | string | TerminalId registered by the Processor to Merchant |
Mid | string | MerchantId provided by the processor to the Merchant |
l2L3uploadflag | string | Whether transaction has performed with L2L3 Packet or not |
transactionId | string | iPOSpay response unique transaction id |
transactionType | string | Type of transactions to be processed. |
tpn | string | TPN Registered with Dejavoo System |
rrn | string | Unique Reference Number generated by Bank System |
cardToken | string | This is used as Tokenized Card for complete the void and Refund transactions using iposTransact API |
totalFee | double | Total Fee Amount, Decimal format(Ex : 10.00) |
trueCashDiscountFee | double | Discount fee if customer has using the debit card transactions , Decimal format(Ex : 10.00) |
stateTaxAmount | double | State Tax Calculation for the Transaction if merchant Opted , Decimal format(Ex : 10.00) |
posEntryMode | string | PosEntryMode |
Settlement Event
This event provided the settlement of the merchants with transaction details which got settled on the batch. It will be easy for an integrator to find the transaction with count.
Sample Request Below
Basic Authentication Sample Payload
"id": "f5b15dac-359f-439d-8977-a0226c467dc7",
"eventType": "Settlement",
"subEventType": "ClosedBatch",
"requestType": "HTTPS",
"signature": null,
"version": "1.0",
"versionCreatedDt": "2024-06-04 08:53:39",
"batchNumber": "469",
"settlementDate": "2024-10-08",
"settlementCount": 2,
"settlementAmount": 2.6,
"tpn": "342824380352",
"settlementTxnDetails": [
"txnDate": "2024-10-08 04:06:18",
"transactionType": "SALE",
"transactionId": "38939820834338035220241008133618",
"txnAmount": 1.3
"txnDate": "2024-10-08 05:41:18",
"transactionType": "SALE",
"transactionId": "41151701526138035220241008151118",
"txnAmount": 1.3
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Basic Y2xudGtleV9SbkVfWGV5Y2lwVUVPd2VwRzF3UldBT1pDUXREQzdzblEwM",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
HMAC Sample Payload
"id": "46f69dec-fce4-444c-ba7b-64a11b9357a3",
"eventType": "Settlement",
"subEventType": "ClosedBatch",
"requestType": "HTTPS",
"signature": "464ebd627992eb451b8d8a4075d6869c685e6ce7552535318a607f7ee68cccde0856fc78ae9e84f88778c4f935b4953cc61764e3f4152032d1c0e12dd5280ff0",
"version": "1.0",
"versionCreatedDt": "2024-06-04 08:53:39",
"batchNumber": "470",
"settlementDate": "2024-10-08",
"settlementCount": 2,
"settlementAmount": 3.9,
"tpn": "342824380352",
"settlementTxnDetails": [
"txnDate": "2024-10-08 05:58:30",
"transactionType": "SALE",
"transactionId": "35018720494938035220241008152830",
"txnAmount": 2.6
"txnDate": "2024-10-08 06:00:28",
"transactionType": "SALE",
"transactionId": "64838090846138035220241008153028",
"txnAmount": 1.3
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
Field | Type | Description |
id * | string | Unique id generated for each request |
version * | string | Webhooks Integration Version |
createdDt * | string | Version Registered Date in EST (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) |
eventType * | string | Transaction Event Type |
subEventType * | string | Transaction type which was done by the Customer |
requestType * | string | Type of Request whether to insert or update the existing record |
signature | string | Mandatory only for HMAC enabled Merchants |
settlementAmount | double | Total Amount Settled for that TPN in Batch , Decimal format(Ex : 10.00) |
batchNumber | string | Settled Batch Number it will unique |
settlementDate | string | Settled Batch Date and Time in EST format in EST (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) |
SettledTxnCount | long | Total Txn’s Settled with Batch |
tpn | string | TPN Registered with Dejavoo System |
- SettlementTxnDetails
Field | Type | Description |
txnDate | string | Transaction Initiated Date and Time in EST (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) |
transactionId | string | iPOSpays response unique transaction id |
transactionType | string | Type of transactions to be processed. |
txnAmount | double | Transaction Amount , Decimal format(Ex : 10.00) |