Error Codes & Messages
Processor Error Codes & Messages
Error Codes | Response Message | Processor Response Definition | Meaning |
00 | APPROVAL | Approved and completed | Transaction approved and successfully completed. |
01 | CALL | Refer to issuer | Refer the cardholder to the issuer. |
02 | CALL | Refer to issuer-Special condition | Refer the cardholder to the issuer for a special condition. |
03 | TERM ID ERROR | Invalid Merchant ID | Invalid Merchant ID. |
04 | HOLD-CALL | Pick up card (no fraud) | Lost card used to perform the transaction. Requesting the merchant to retain the card, but with no suspicion of fraudulent activity. |
05 | DECLINE | Do not honor | Transaction was declined by the processor. |
06 | ERROR | General error | General error. |
07 | HOLD-CALL | Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) | Lost card used to perform the transaction. Suspicion of fraud account. |
08 | APPROVAL | Honor Mastercard with ID | |
10 | PARTIAL APPROVAL | Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022 | Partial approval granted for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022. |
11 | APPROVAL | VIP approval | Transaction approved with VIP status. |
12 | INVALID TRANS | Invalid transaction | Invalid transaction. |
13 | AMOUNT ERROR | Invalid amount | The amount is invalid. |
14 | CARD NO. ERROR | Invalid card number | The card number is invalid. |
15 | NO SUCH ISSUER | No such issuer | The issuer does not exist. |
19 | RE ENTER | Re-enter transaction | Packet Format Error. Re-enter the transaction. |
21 | NO ACTION TAKEN | Unable to back out transaction | Unable to cancel the transaction. |
25 | NO CARD NUMBER | Unable to locate the account number | The account number could not be found. |
28 | NO REPLY | File is temporarily unavailable | Transaction timed out with no response from the issuer. |
30 | MSG FORMAT ERROR | Transaction was improperly formatted | The transaction format is incorrect. |
39 | NO CREDIT ACCT | No credit account | Credit card is not supported. |
41 | HOLD-CALL | Lost card, pick up (fraud account) | Lost card used to perform the transaction. Suspicion of fraud account. |
43 | HOLD-CALL | Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) | Card used to perform the transaction is stolen. Suspicion of fraud account. |
46 | CLOSED ACCOUNT | Closed account | The cardholder's bank account has been closed. |
51 | DECLINE | Insufficient funds | The transaction was declined because there were insufficient funds in the cardholder's bank account. |
52 | NO CHECK ACCOUNT | No checking account | The account is invalid. |
53 | NO SAVE ACCOUNT | No savings account | The account is invalid. |
54 | EXPIRED CARD | Expired card | The card has expired. |
55 | WRONG PIN | Incorrect PIN | Incorrect PIN used during the transaction. |
57 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Transaction not permitted-Card | The transaction is not permitted for this card. |
58 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Transaction not permitted-Terminal | The transaction is not permitted on this terminal. |
59 | SUSPECTED FRAUD | Suspected fraud | Suspected fraud account. |
61 | EXC APPR AMT LIM | Exceeds approval amount limit | The transaction amount has exceeded the approved amount limit. |
62 | DECLINE | Invalid service code, restricted | The transaction was declined due to an invalid or restricted service code. |
63 | SEC VIOLATION | Security violation | Transaction violates SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) laws. |
65 | EXC W/D FREQ LIM | Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit | The transaction withdrawal has exceeded the withdrawal frequency limit. |
6P | VERIF DATA FAILD | Verification data failed | Data verification has failed. |
75 | PIN EXCEEDED | Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded | PIN Entry limit has been exceeded. |
76 | UNSOLIC REVERSAL | Unable to locate, no match | Unable to locate the original transaction and so the transaction cannot be reinitiated. |
77 | NO ACTION TAKEN | Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data | Unable to process the transaction request, and no action has been taken. |
78 | NO ACCOUNT | Blocked, first used transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked | First transaction from a new cardholder failed due to the card not being properly activated or unblocked by the issuer. |
79 | ALREADY REVERSED | Already reversed at switch | Transaction has already been reversed by switch. |
80 | NO IMPACT | No Financial impact (used in reversal responses to decline originals) | This response indicates there was no financial impact, typically used in reversal scenarios where the original transaction was declined. |
81 | ENCRYPTION ERROR | Cryptographic error | Card data error. Encryption was unsuccessful. |
82 | INCORRECT CVV | CVV data is not correct Or Offline PIN authentication interrupted | The CVV data is incorrect or the offline PIN authentication was interrupted. |
83 | CANT VERIFY PIN | Cannot verify PIN | Cannot verify the PIN used during the transaction. |
85 | CARD OK | No reason to decline | The card is okay and there is no reason to decline the transaction. |
86 | CANT VERIFY PIN | Cannot verify PIN | Unable to verify the PIN. |
91 | NO REPLY | Issuer or switch is unavailable | No reply. Either the card issuer or switch is unavailable at the moment. |
92 | INVALID ROUTING | Destination not found | Destination not found. |
93 | DECLINE | Violation, cannot complete | Transaction declined. Refer to TSYS processor for further information. |
94 | DUPLICATE TRANS | Unable to locate, no match | A duplicate reversal was attempted on an already reversed authorization. |
96 | SYSTEM ERROR | System malfunction | System has malfunctioned. |
A1 | ACTIVATED | POS device authentication successful | The POS (Point of Sale) device has been successfully activated and is ready to use. |
A2 | NOT ACTIVATED | POS device authentication not successful | The POS device could not be activated; the authentication failed. |
A3 | DEACTIVATED | POS device deactivation successful | The POS device has been successfully deactivated and is no longer in use. |
A8 | INVALID REGION CODE | Region code not valid | Region code is invalid. |
A9 | INVALID COUNTRY CODE | Country code not valid | Country code is invalid. |
B1 | SRCHG NOT ALLOWD | Surcharge amount not permitted on debit cards or EBT food stamps | A surcharge amount is not allowed on debit cards or EBT food stamp transactions. |
B2 | SRCHG NOT ALLOWD | Surcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer | Surcharge amount is not supported by the debit card issuer's network. |
CV | FAILURE CV | Card Type Verification Error | Transaction failed due to a CV card type verification error. This means the processor could not verify the card type based on the CV (Card Verification) information, causing the transaction to fail. |
D3 | SECUR CRYPT FAIL | Transaction failure due to missing or invalid 3D-Secure cryptogram | Transaction failed due to a missing or invalid 3D-Secure cryptogram. This means the processor couldn't verify the security information required for the transaction, resulting in a failure. |
E1 | ENCR NOT CONFIGD | Encryption is not configured | Encryption is not configured. |
E2 | TERM NOT AUTHENT | Terminal is not authenticated | The terminal is not authenticated. |
E3 | DECRYPT FAILURE | Data could not be decrypted | The data could not be decrypted. |
EA | ACCT LENGTH ERR | Verification error | Verification failed because the account number length is incorrect. |
EB | CHECK DIGIT ERR | Verification error | Verification failed due to an invalid check digit in the account number. |
EC | CID FORMAT ERROR | Verification error | Verification failed because the CID (Card Identification Data) is in the wrong format. |
H1 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
H2 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
H3 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
H4 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
H5 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
H6 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
H7 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
H8 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
H9 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
HV | FAILURE HV | Hierarchy Verification Error | Transaction failed due to a hierarchy verification error, meaning the system could not verify the required hierarchical data for the transaction. |
K0 | TOKEN RESPONSE | Token request was processed | The token request was successfully processed. |
K1 | TOKEN NOT CONFIG | Tokenization is not configured | Tokenization has not been set up or configured. |
K2 | TERM NOT AUTHENT | Terminal is not authenticated | The terminal could not be authenticated. |
K3 | TOKEN FAILURE | Data could not be de-tokenized | The data could not be de-tokenized (converted back to the original data). |
M0 | DOM DBT NOT ALWD | Mastercard: Canada region-issued Domestic Debit Transaction not allowed | Mastercard transactions from the Canada region for domestic debit are not allowed. |
N3 | CACHBACK NOT AVL | Cash back service not available | Cashback service is not available for this transaction. |
N4 | DECLINE | Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit | The transaction was declined because it exceeds the issuer's withdrawal limit. |
N7 | CVV2 MISMATCH CVV2 | Value supplied is invalid | The CVV2 value provided does not match the one on file. |
P0 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
P1 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
P2 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
P3 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
P4 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
P5 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
P6 | SERV NOT ALLOWED | Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support | The service is not allowed; please contact Merchant Services or Technical Support for assistance. |
P7 | MISSING SERIAL NUM | The terminal has not yet completed the boarding process. The Serial Number has not been set up. | The terminal has not completed the boarding process yet, and the Serial Number has not been set up. |
Q1 | CARD AUTH FAIL | Card authentication failed | Card authentication failed. |
R0 | STOP RECURRING | Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment | The customer has requested to stop a specific recurring payment from their account. |
R1 | STOP RECURRING | Customer requested stop of all recurring payments from specific merchant | The customer has requested to stop all recurring payments from a specific merchant. |
R3 | STOP ALL RECUR | All recurring payments have been canceled for the card number in the request | All recurring payments for the provided card number have been canceled. |
S0 | INACTIVE CARD | The PAN used in the transaction is inactive. | The card number (PAN) used in the transaction is inactive and cannot be processed. |
S1 | MOD 10 FAIL | The Mod-10 check failed. | The Mod-10 validation check, used to verify the card number, failed. |
S5 | DCLN NO PRE AUTH | Decline – no preauthorization found. | Transaction declined because no preauthorization was found for the transaction. |
S9 | MAX BALANCE | Maximum working balance exceeded. | The transaction exceeds the maximum allowed balance for the account or card. |
SA | SHUT DOWN | The Authorization Server is shut down. | The Authorization Server is currently shut down and unable to process the transaction. |
SB | INVALID STATUS | Invalid card status – status is other than active | The card has an invalid status (e.g., not active), preventing the transaction. |
SC | UNKNOWN STORE | Unknown dealer/store code – special edit. | The store or dealer code provided is unknown, requiring special handling. |
SD | TOO MANY RCHRGS | Maximum number of recharges is exceeded. | The maximum number of allowed recharges has been exceeded for this transaction. |
SE | ALREADY USED | Card was already used. | The card has already been used for a transaction, making this request invalid. |
SF | NOT MANUAL | Manual transactions not allowed. | Manual transactions are not permitted for this type of request. |
SH | TYPE UNKNOWN | Transaction type was unknown. | The transaction type provided is unrecognized or not supported by the system. |
SJ | INVALID TENDER | An invalid tender type was submitted. | The tender type (payment method) submitted is not valid or accepted. |
SK | CUSTOMER TYPE | An invalid customer type was submitted. | The customer type provided is not valid for processing this transaction. |
SL | PIN LOCKED | PIN was locked. | The PIN entered for the transaction has been locked due to multiple failed attempts. |
SM | MAX REDEMPTS | The maximum number of redemptions was exceeded. | The card has exceeded the allowed number of redemptions for a specific offer or service. |
SP | MAX PAN TRIES | The maximum number of PAN tries was exceeded. | The card has exceeded the maximum allowed number of attempts to enter the PAN (card number). |
SR | ALREADY ISSUED | The card was already issued. | The card has already been issued and cannot be reissued. |
SS | NOT ISSUED | The card was not issued. | The card has not been issued or is not recognized by the system. |
T0 | APPROVAL | First check is okay and has been converted. | The check passed initial verification and was successfully converted. |
T1 | CANNOT CONVERT | The check is okay but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction. | The check passed verification but cannot be converted; transaction declined. |
T2 | INVALIDABA | Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant. | The ABA number provided is invalid or not registered as an ACH participant. |
T3 | AMOUNT ERROR | Amount greater than the limit. | The transaction amount exceeds the allowed limit. |
V1 | FAILURE VM | Daily threshold exceeded. | The daily transaction threshold has been exceeded. |
Z6 | FIX INVALID MCC | Invalid use of MCC - correct and reattempt. | The MCC (Merchant Category Code) is incorrect; correct it and try again. |
Freedom to Design Error Codes & Messages
Codes | Description |
FTD_001 | Card number is not valid, Please try with a valid card number |
FTD_002 | Card CVV is not valid,Please try with valid CVV |
FTD_003 | Card has expired |
FTD_004 | Card expiry month is not valid |
FTD_005 | Invalid card expiration date |
FTD_006,FTD_009 | Data tokenization key is not valid, Please try with valid key |
FTD_007 | Requested origin is not registered. Please contact support team |
FTD_010 | Invalid request, Please try again |
Tap to Pay on iPhone Error Codes & Messages
Messages | Description |
notAllowed | Account not allowed |
backgroundRequestNotAllowed | Background request not allowed |
unsupported | Unsupported hardware or a problem with the device |
osVersionNotSupported | Please update your app to the latest iOS version |
modelNotSupported | Current device doesn't support NFC |
networkError | Please check your network settings and try again |
networkAuthenticationError | An authentication error occurred during the server connection |
serviceConnectionError | Internal service is unavailable |
notReady | Please try the session again to resolve the issue |
emptyReaderToken | The token is empty, making it invalid |
prepareExpired | Please reinitiate the session to try again |
tokenExpired | Token Expired |
readerMemoryFull | The card reader is busy |
accountNotLinked | Accept the Terms and Conditions using a valid Apple ID |
accountAlreadyLinked | Terms and Conditions have already been accepted |
accountLinkingFailed | The system couldn't link or relink the merchant using the provided Apple ID |
accountLinkingRequiresiCloudSignIn | Please accept the Terms and Conditions on your device while signed into iCloud |
accountLinkingCancelled | The linking or relinking operation has been canceled |
merchantBlocked | The merchant is blocked |
invalidMerchant | The merchant is invalid or unknown |
somethingWentWrong | The merchant is invalid or unknown |
cardReadFailed | The reader was unable to read a card |
invalidAmount | Amount must be positive and contain less than 10 digits |
invalidCurrencyCode | Currency code in the request must follow the ISO 4217 standard |
nfcDisabled | The user needs to enable their NFC |
noReaderSession | No reader session is available or the session isn't ready |
passcodeDisabled | Passcode disabled. Please set a security passcode on your device |
paymentCardDeclined | The payment card declined the transaction |
paymentReadFailed | An internal failure prevented the read operation |
pinCancelled | The current PIN capture was canceled, thereby canceling any ongoing read operation |
pinNotAllowed | The time window for capturing a PIN after a card read has expired |
pinEntryFailed | An error occurred when capturing the PIN |
pinEntryTimeout | The ongoing PIN capture was not completed within the given time |
pinTokenInvalid | An error that indicates an invalid PIN token |
readFromBackgroundError | Read operations aren't allowed when an app is running in the background |
readNotAllowed | This error usually occurs when there's an entitlement issue |
readNotAllowedDuringCall | Read operations aren't allowed during a phone call |
readerServiceConnectionError | The session wasn't able to connect the system UI or other services |
readerServiceError | Reader service internal state issue occurred |
readerSessionAuthenticationError | An authentication error occurred while refreshing reader session |
readerSessionBusy | The reader is busy with another session |
readerSessionExpired | The reader session expired and couldn't refresh due to other state changes |
readerSessionNetworkError | Network error occurred that prevented a reader session refresh |
readerTokenExpired | The configuration token for the reader session expired |
vasReadFail | Error occurred when reading a loyalty pass |
invalidReaderToken | Invalid reader token |
prepareFailed | Prepare session failed |
entitlementIssue | Please check the tap on phone entitlement configuration |
environmentIssue | The token key environment is not acceptable |
deviceSupportTapOnPay | Device Supports Tap to Pay |
deviceUnSupportTapOnPay | Your current device does not support NFC |
readerSessionCleanUp | Reader session cleaned up |
Hosted Payment Page Error Codes & Messages
Error Response Code & Message - Upon Payment Form Generate URL request
Error Response Code | Error Response Message |
merchantAuthentication | Merchant Auth request errors |
merchantAuthentication[object] | Merchant authentication cannot be null |
merchantAuthentication.merchantId | Merchant Id cannot be null |
merchantAuthentication.merchantId | Invalid merchant id |
merchantAuthentication.transactionReferenceId | Invalid transaction reference id |
merchantAuthentication.transactionReferenceId | Transaction reference id cannot be null |
Transaction request errors | |
transactionRequest[object] | Transaction request cannot be null |
transactionRequest.amount | Invalid amount |
transactionRequest.amount | Transaction type cannot be null |
transactionRequest.transactionType | Invalid transaction type |
transactionRequest.feeAmount | Invalid fee amount |
transactionRequest.feeLabel | Invalid fee label |
transactionRequest.lTaxAmount | Invalid lTax amount |
transactionRequest.lTaxLabel | Invalid lTax label |
transactionRequest.gTaxAmount | Invalid gTax amount |
transactionRequest.gTaxLabel | Invalid gTax label |
Notify By request errors | |
notificationOption[object] | Notification option cannot be null |
notificationOption.postAPI | Invalid post API |
notificationOption.returnUrl | Invalid return URL |
notificationOption.failureUrl | Invalid failure URL |
notificationOption.mobileNumber | Invalid mobile number |
notificationOption.cancelUrl | Invalid Cancel URL |
Preference request errors | |
preferences[object] | Preferences cannot be null |
preferences.integrationType | Integration type cannot be null |
preferences.integrationType | Invalid integration type |
preferences.customerName | Invalid customer name |
preferences.customerEmail | Invalid customer email |
preferences.customerMobile | Invalid customer mobile |
preferences.customerEmail, preferences.customerMobile | Both customer email and customer mobile cannot be empty |
Personalization request errors | |
personalization.merchantName | Invalid merchant name |
personalization.logoUrl | Invalid logo URL |
personalization.themeColor | Invalid theme color |
personalization.description | Invalid description |
personalization.payNowButtonText | Invalid pay button text |
personalization.buttonColor | Invalid button color |
personalization.cancelButtonText | Invalid cancel button text |
personalization.disclaimer | Invalid disclaimer |
Spin Specification Error Codes & Messages
<RespMSG>…</RestMSG> | Description | What to do |
Active route not found | A terminal does not have an active SPIn Connection. The Connection is created, but is disabled. | On the Terminal Details page check that SPIn Proxy is activated for this terminal. SPIn Proxy is activated for this terminal. |
Not pars request | There is an error in the request message format. | Check a request format. |
Route not found | A terminal does not have SPIn Connection. The Connection is not created. | On the Terminal Details page create a new SPIn Proxy connection. |
Terminal not connected to SPIn proxy server | A terminal is not connected to the internet or it is inaccessible due to network settings. The terminal might be just disconnected due to reconnecting to the network, a terminal restart, being in sleep mode, or being in SPIn bypass mode. | Check a terminal whether it works or not and be sure that terminal is on the SPIn mode screen and online. Send a status request to get actual connection status to continue to work with a terminal. see Check Terminal Connection Status |
The operation has timed out | A request was sent to a terminal, but the terminal did not provide a response at a proper time. Probably the terminal lost a connection, was switched off, a discharged battery, some bug on a terminal, a terminal not in the IDLE screen and busy by some process e.g. a terminal menu is open and a transaction not in focus. Possible that the terminal will respond to this transaction after a timeout event, a transaction will be performed and approved on a host side and added to a settlement report. But SPIn Proxy cannot guarantee a delivery on this POS request and a timeout is the best response in this case. Default timeout 120 seconds. | Check a terminal whether it works or not and be sure that terminal is on the SPIn mode screen and online. Do Status request to check transaction Status Alternative way: Repeat the transaction with the same parameters if the transaction was already performed you will get an error “Duplicated ReferenceID”. Continue to perform transactions |
This terminal handles a different query | A terminal operates another request. | Wait when the previous request is completed and repeat a new request to a terminal. |
Terminal in use | Register/Server/Host will get this error if it attempts to send a second request before the full time out period of previous request. | Wait for transaction timing out before attempting another transaction |
Invalid Reference ID | Reference Id value sent from Register/POS/Server will have to be unique per transaction within the batch. | Change the reference id value and retry the transaction |
Reconnected | Terminal was reconnected after receiving the request and before providing the response | Do Status request to check transaction Status |
Service busy | If the terminal is not ready to receive a transaction for any reason (usually because it is not on the idle screen to receive the request, is busy processing another operation, or has not yet completed a previous transaction). | Try once the existing transaction is completed. |
Printer SDK Error Codes & Messages
Error code | Error message |
-1 | Invalid printer data |
-2 | Unknown exception while printing |
-3 | Invalid printer data body |
-4 | No paper roll |
-5 | If any unknown exceptions while printing |
-6 | Printer data limit exceeded |
Other error codes | Printing failed |
Swipereader SDK Error Codes & Messages
Code | Type | Description |
00 | Success | The swipe card operation was successful. |
01 | Failure | Please update the timeout to be in the range of 10 to 90 seconds. |
02 | Failure | Unable to support this device model. |
03 | Failure | Unable to initialize card reader. |
04 | Failure | Unable to initialize card reader. Context is null. |
05 | Failure | Unable to support this device model. |
06 | Failure | Failed to open card reader |
07 | Failure | Failed to read card data. |
08 | Timeout | Card detection timeout. |
09 | Failure | Exception in card detection. |
10 | Failure | All track data null. |
11 | Failure | Card detection timeout. |
12 | Failure | We don’t support this device. |
13 | Failure | Swipe reader failed. |
14 | Failure | Device exception. |
iPOS Transact API Error Codes & Messages
HTTP Response Code | Response Message |
200 | Success |
400 | Declined |
iPOS-Transact Error Field | iPOS-Transact Error Response Message |
merchantAuthentication (object) | Merchant authentication cannot be null |
transactionRequest (object) | Transaction request cannot be null |
merchantId | Merchant id cannot be null |
merchantId | Invalid merchant id |
transactionReferenceId | Transaction reference id cannot be null |
transactionReferenceId | Invalid transaction reference id |
token | Invalid token |
Failed | Device does not exist |
Failed | TPN status is suspended |
Failed | TPN status is not active |
transactionRequest (object) | Invalid transaction request |
Error Response Code | Error Response Message |
00 | APPROVAL Approved and completed |
01 | CALL Refer to issuer |
02 | CALL Refer to issuer-Special condition |
03 | TERM ID ERROR Invalid Merchant ID |
04 | HOLD-CALL Pick up card (no fraud) |
05 | DECLINE Do not honor |
06 | ERROR General error |
07 | HOLD-CALL Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) |
08 | APPROVAL Honor Mastercard with ID |
10 | PARTIAL APPROVAL Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022 |
11 | APPROVAL VIP approval |
12 | INVALID TRANS Invalid transaction |
13 | AMOUNT ERROR Invalid amount |
14 | CARD NO. ERROR Invalid card number |
15 | NO SUCH ISSUER No such issuer |
19 | RE ENTER Re-enter transaction |
21 | NO ACTION TAKEN Unable to back out transaction |
25 | NO CARD NUMBER Unable to locate the account number |
28 | NO REPLY File is temporarily unavailable |
30 | MSG FORMAT ERROR Transaction was improperly formatted |
39 | NO CREDIT ACCT No credit account |
41 | HOLD-CALL Lost card, pick up (fraud account) |
43 | HOLD-CALL Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) |
46 | CLOSED ACCOUNT Closed account |
51 | DECLINE Insufficient funds |
52 | NO CHECK ACCOUNT No checking account |
53 | NO SAVE ACCOUNT No savings account |
54 | EXPIRED CARD Expired card |
55 | WRONG PIN Incorrect PIN |
57 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Card |
58 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Terminal |
59 | SUSPECTED FRAUD Suspected fraud |
61 | EXC APPR AMT LIM Exceeds approval amount limit |
62 | DECLINE Invalid service code, restricted |
63 | SEC VIOLATION Security violation |
65 | EXC W/D FREQ LIM Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit |
6P | VERIF DATA FAILD Verification data failed |
75 | PIN EXCEEDED Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded |
76 | UNSOLIC REVERSAL Unable to locate, no match |
77 | NO ACTION TAKEN Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data |
78 | NO ACCOUNT Blocked, first used transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked |
3 | TERM ID ERROR Invalid Merchant ID |
4 | HOLD-CALL Pick up card (no fraud) |
5 | DECLINE Do not honor |
6 | ERROR General error |
7 | HOLD-CALL Pick up card, special condition (fraud account) |
8 | APPROVAL Honor Mastercard with ID |
10 | PARTIAL APPROVAL Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022 |
11 | APPROVAL VIP approval |
12 | INVALID TRANS Invalid transaction |
13 | AMOUNT ERROR Invalid amount |
14 | CARD NO. ERROR Invalid card number |
15 | NO SUCH ISSUER No such issuer |
19 | RE ENTER Re-enter transaction |
21 | NO ACTION TAKEN Unable to back out transaction |
25 | NO CARD NUMBER Unable to locate the account number |
28 | NO REPLY File is temporarily unavailable |
30 | MSG FORMAT ERROR Transaction was improperly formatted |
39 | NO CREDIT ACCT No credit account |
41 | HOLD-CALL Lost card, pick up (fraud account) |
43 | HOLD-CALL Stolen card, pick up (fraud account) |
46 | CLOSED ACCOUNT Closed account |
51 | DECLINE Insufficient funds |
52 | NO CHECK ACCOUNT No checking account |
53 | NO SAVE ACCOUNT No savings account |
54 | EXPIRED CARD Expired card |
55 | WRONG PIN Incorrect PIN |
57 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Card |
58 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Transaction not permitted-Terminal |
59 | SUSPECTED FRAUD Suspected fraud |
61 | EXC APPR AMT LIM Exceeds approval amount limit |
62 | DECLINE Invalid service code, restricted |
63 | SEC VIOLATION Security violation |
65 | EXC W/D FREQ LIM Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit |
6P | VERIF DATA FAILD Verification data failed |
75 | PIN EXCEEDED Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded |
76 | UNSOLIC REVERSAL Unable to locate, no match |
77 | NO ACTION TAKEN Inconsistent, reversed, or repeat data |
78 | NO ACCOUNT Blocked, first used transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked |
H7 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H8 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
H9 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
HV | FAILURE HV Hierarchy Verification Error |
K0 | TOKEN RESPONSE Token request was processed |
K1 | TOKEN NOT CONFIG Tokenization is not configured |
K2 | TERM NOT AUTHENT Terminal is not authenticated |
K3 | TOKEN FAILURE Data could not be de-tokenized |
M0 | DOM DBT NOT ALWD Mastercard: Canada region-issued Domestic Debit Transaction not allowed |
N2 | CACHBACK NOT AVL Cash back service not available |
N3 | CACHBACK NOT AVL Cash back service not available |
N4 | DECLINE Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit |
N7 | CVV2 MISMATCH CVV2 Value supplied is invalid |
P0 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P1 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P2 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P3 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P4 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P5 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P6 | SERV NOT ALLOWED Contact Merchant Services/Technical Support |
P7 | MISSING SERIAL NUM The terminal has not yet completed the boarding process. The Serial Number has not been set up. |
Q1 | CARD AUTH FAIL Card authentication failed |
R0 | STOP RECURRING Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment |
R1 | STOP RECURRING Customer requested stop of all recurring payments from specific merchant |
R3 | STOP ALL RECUR All recurring payments have been canceled for the card number in the request |
S0 | INACTIVE CARD The PAN used in the transaction is inactive. |
S1 | MOD 10 FAIL The Mod-10 check failed. |
S5 | DCLN NO PRE AUTH Decline - no preauthorization found. |
S9 | MAX BALANCE Maximum working balance exceeded. |
SA | SHUT DOWN The Authorization Server is shut down. |
SB | INVALID STATUS Invalid card status – status is other than active |
SC | UNKNOWN STORE Unknown dealer/store code – special edit. |
SD | TOO MANY RCHRGS Maximum number of recharges is exceeded. |
SE | ALREADY USED Card was already used. |
SF | NOT MANUAL Manual transactions not allowed. |
SH | TYPE UNKNOWN Transaction type was unknown. |
SJ | INVALID TENDER An invalid tender type was submitted. |
SK | CUSTOMER TYPE An invalid customer type was submitted. |
SL | PIN LOCKED PIN was locked. |
SM | MAX REDEMPTS The maximum number of redemptions was exceeded. |
SP | MAX PAN TRIES The maximum number of PAN tries was exceeded. |
SR | ALREADY ISSUED The card was already issued. |
SS | NOT ISSUED The card was not issued. |
T0 | APPROVAL First check is okay and has been converted. |
T1 | CANNOT CONVERT The check is okay but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction. |
T2 | INVALIDABA Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant. |
T3 | AMOUNT ERROR Amount greater than the limit. |
V1 | FAILURE VM Daily threshold exceeded. |