Transaction Status Check
Required iOS Version: 1.0.42
This update is for Tap to Pay on iPhone with iPOSgo! users. Previously, if a network connection was briefly lost during a transaction, the transaction would be voided. With this update, when the connection is restored, the app will now show the transaction status—either approved or declined (for reasons other than the network issue).
If the connection takes longer to recover, the transaction will time out, and the app will return to the home screen. Additionally, unlike before, approved transactions will no longer be voided when the network is restored. You can view the approved transaction in the new Send E-Receipt section. If it doesn’t appear, it means the transaction was not approved.
- If the transaction is approved or declined (for reasons other than the network issue) during the network disruption, the respective transaction status will be displayed.
- If the connection takes longer to recover, the transaction will time out, and the app will return to the home screen and this prompt will appear when the network is re-established.
If you wish to return the money to the customer, click Cancel. However, if the amount was not transferred during the disruption, a refund is not necessary and won’t take place.
If you click OK the transaction status will be displayed within the prompt. If the transaction was approved, you will be prompted to check the status in Send E-Receipt.
- The approved transaction will appear in Send E-Receipt.
- If the transaction was not approved, it won’t appear in the Send E-Receipt section.