September Month - Release Notes

New Features

iPOSpays is now offering a new feature called 'Feed,' which provides real-time transaction tracking for various payment methods, including POS, CloudPOS, Tap to Pay on iPhone, and Tap to Pay on Android.

Merchants using Paya ACH can now tokenize their customers’ bank account details for future payments and use the “Run a Sale” feature to autofill those details to perform Paya ACH transactions.

Whitelisted domain names can now be managed by ISOs for their merchants.

August Month - Release Notes

New Features

An enhanced user experience with a new color scheme, updated logo, and improved loading animations.

Merchants using Gateway-powered terminals can utilize Incremental Auth to increase the amount initially authorized in a Pre-Auth.  

Security Enchancements

We have updated the iPOSpays login password minimum requirement from 10 to 12 characters.

To strengthen security, a one-time passcode (OTP) is now required to change the Terminal Profile Number (TPN) on a POS terminal.

To enhance security, manual refunds will now require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for each new session.


Previous glitches in the Recurring Payments module been resolved, ensuring a smoother experience for merchants.

Merchants can now add up to 10 email addresses to receive payment notifications, an increase from the previous limit of four.

The Factor 4 Gift card system has been updated to support two decimal points for loyalty points.

(25) July Month - Release Notes

New Features

Merchants using CloudPOS can utilize Incremental Auth to increase the amount initially authorized in a Pre-Auth.

ISOs can now customize receipt options for merchants using the iPOSgo! app by enabling or disabling the 'No Receipt' option.

iPOSpays mobile users will have the “Pay Now” option, allowing them to process a customer present transaction.

Security Enchancements

With this update, we have included two new risk rules to the iPOS S.A.F.E module: International card - Refund on CloudPOS and International card - Refund on POS.

With this update, users will be required to enter a 6-digit security code to complete the user creation process and when editing an existing user.


We’ve adjusted the Recurring Payment processing time to 3:15 AM EST to accommodate merchants in various time zones.

The inventory limit on iPOSpays portal and Register Lite on the POS has been increased from 70 to 200 items, allowing merchants to expand their product inventory.

The Paya ACH account number field on the CloudPOS payments module, Send Payment Link transaction, and GHPP (Generic Hosted Payment Page) has been updated to require a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 17 digits.

(18) July Month - Release Notes

New Features

A new marketplace application designed to simplify payment processing for merchants using our P8 gateway-powered payment terminals.

With this feature, merchants using Transact API can add up to five incremental auth, where each increment will be added to the original pre-auth amount.

ISOs can now board merchants processing on the Fiserv Omaha platform with our IPOSgo! Tap to Pay solution on iPhone.

This feature allows merchants to display a QR code to link their social media profiles, review forms, or a website.

Enables merchants using the SPIn Cloud integration to display a disclaimer page of their choosing on the integrated PIN pad terminal.

Security Enhancements

iPOS S.A.F.E is a risk management tool that is crucial for ensuring transactional security.

Automatic email notification sent to iPOSpays Admin users when a new user is created under their account either by a primary or an add-on user.


New update allowing 2 additional lines, for a total of 6 header lines on the receipt.

Bug Fixes

This update improves the Tip Adjust functionality for merchants using Deep Linking Integration.

June Month - Release Notes

New Features

iPOSpays now requires one-time codes for login

ISOs can now offer merchants control over Dual Pricing: set it to apply to tips and even tax the fee itself.

Added more commodity codes to Level 2 & 3 Autofilling, giving ISOs a wider selection when setting up merchants.

PIN Bypad not supported for contactless card transactions

Default merchant admins can now adjust the roles of all non-default users


The invoice section on the iPOSpays portal now includes a ‘Store’ filter.

Enhancements to ensure the UI is fluid and responsive on all smartphones despite their size.

A new option that allows ISOs to enable/disable the breakup screen based on their merchant’s preference from the iPOSpays portal.

This update removes the extra step of having to click on the “OK’ button. A simple click on the payment type would ensure that the action is reflected on the payment terminal.

CloudPOS merchants can now settle batches even in the absence of any card transactions.

Bug Fixes

addresses a minor issue where, in certain instances, a void transaction declined by the processor did not appear in the Open & Closed Batches.

April Month - Release Notes

New Features

Register Lite replaces the need for a separate cash register by offering similar features directly on the payment terminal.

An API called Deep Linking Integration that lets the Invoking app use iPOSgo! for accepting payments.

Effortlessly retrieve transactions using the server ID


Include a customizable tag when creating a Generic Hosted Payment Page (GHPP)

Replaces the merchant’s email and address with the store name and address on the email containing the payment link and invoice

Changed the customer support details found in the terms and conditions of Paya ACH in Send Payment Link transaction.

Surcharge fee percentage will no longer round and is capped at 3% for all payment terminals and CloudPOS transactions.

Paya ACH transactions now allow for custom alphanumeric fields on the Pay Now screen, Send Payment Link.

Lets merchants using QuickBooks integration find invoices by searching customer names, alongside invoice numbers.

Batch reports now include a new "Transaction Summary" providing a detailed breakdown of each transaction from each store, including transaction type, ID, and more.

Bug Fixes

invoice status now accurately reflects ACH transaction completion, eliminating previous discrepancies.

iPOSpays portal's ""Delete card"" button now functions reliably for store manager logins, addressing previous inconsistencies.

March Month - Release Notes

New Features

Allows merchants to specify the website URL they wish to integrate with Freedom to Design

ISOs can now grant their CloudPOS merchants the ability to remove tax from transactions, irrespective of the fee type used.

Dual Pricing now supports "Treat Debit Cards as Cash" on CloudPOS

Transactions tab now has Fortellis invoice number filter.


My Customers module now has DBA and external reference ID filters for easier search.

Recurring payment notifications now includes both successful and failed payments.

Transaction Report now shows refunds/voids with a negative sign and adds a "Settlement Status" column for clarity.


Level 2 & Level 3 Autofilling available for iPOSgo!

Get in-app notifications whenever a new app update is available

(16th) February Month - Release Notes

New Features

Dual Pricing now supports "Treat Debit Cards as Cash" on Gateway-powered payment terminals

Dual Pricing now supports "Adjust Price" on CloudPOS

Merchants can now choose to print the tax reported amount on the merchant copy for transactions processed as Level 2 & Level 3

Merchants now can input the purchase order (PO) number while conducting manual card entry transactions.


Define tax rates with up to four decimal places for Level 2 & Level 3 transactions.


During SPIn transactions, the POS no longer displays 'Service is Busy' message after batch settlement.

Bug Fixes

Master+PIN pad transactions now display logos correctly

Transactions now appear correctly after password entry for Show/Settle Batch.

(6th) February Month - Release Notes

New Features

Manually enter card details for transactions with a new "Key-In" payment mode.


The word SMS has been renamed to TEXT for better clarity.

Ensures tax compliance with state laws by offering a new "State Surcharge Tax Compliance" option for calculating tax on base amount, tip (if enabled), and fees.

Merchants can now set a fixed Dual Pricing fee amount in addition to the existing percentage option.

Invoice tab equipped with new filters, allowing merchants to narrow down search results when seeking a specific invoice.


encodedSign fields inside <Sign> and <ExtData> sent as base64 image data, ensuring compatibility with the SPIn register.

Ensure the integrated PIN pad device remainz in listening mode to prevent users from accessing the menu and SPIn Bypass.

Bug Fixes

Fixes the transaction threshold limit issue eliminating the need to reboot.

Fixes an issue in the merchant login where capital letters in email addresses caused errors in the send receipt section.

CloudPOS + PIN pad transactions now automatically updated to QuickBooks.

Brings the option to add a QR code or a message to the transaction receipt or the payment terminal.

iPOSpays gateway is now certified on Worldpay’s processing platform.

January Month - Release Notes

New Features

L2 and L3 enhancements across all transactions on the iPOSpays portal (CloudPOS) and Gateway-powered payment terminals.

Shorter URLs for hosted payment pages save space in the integrator's databases.

New filter to make it easier to view batches on all Dejavoo Gateway Powered terminals and Tap to Pay on iPhone With iPOSgo!

Manually enter the customer’s card details using Key-In payment mode.

Mini Receipt for Gateway-powered QD devices.


Tag values entered against transactions are now displayed in the receipt and the email notification for the merchant.

The balance amount is now displayed after entering the cash amount on the payment processing screen.


Fortellis invoice numbers now visible in Open Batch, Transactions tab, and reports for effortless tracking.

Invoice labels simplified: "Services" to "Service Dept" & "Spare Parts" to "Parts Dept".


Retain customer contacs from QuickBooks during "Run a Sale."


Gateway-powered devices with SPIn can now print images and signatures on receipts

Service busy code now accurately reflects device status on the SPIn register.

Paya ACH

Introduced terms and conditions for Paya ACH on hosted payment page and generic hosted payment page

ISOs can only log in to the merchant account using the merchant’s credentials to use Paya ACH.

Bug Issue

Addressed a concern where restaurant merchants experienced tip money loss with Mastercard transactions.